Salesforce Integration: Update existing record.

  • Ethan
    Asked on September 2, 2024 at 6:01 PM

    I see. Instead of handling the logic directly on the Word doc, for example if we build the online form to ask the recipients whether they are interested to some offers, and if they answer "Yes", we want to append an preset optional section in the proposal template (in PDF format) and send to them to e-sign. Is it something jotform can do?

    We are ok to have the recipients filling in their answers through online form. Just that we need the final documents to be in PDF format with the data they submitted (with some logic like if Question A = "Yes", we stat the T&C with XYZ) and e-signature for both parties

  • Rene JotForm Support
    Replied on September 2, 2024 at 6:22 PM

    Hi Ethan,

    If I understand your question correctly, you want to add an attachment to a submission made by a form user based on the selection they'll make from your form, correct? If so, it can be easily achieved by creating Conditional Logic wherein, if a form user answered YES, they will receive an Autoresponder email with an attachment file (e.g., PDF), that they can access and sign. Here's how:

    First, we'll add a dropdown menu which will be used to select an option whether a form user will receive a PDF attachment or not. Let's start:

    1. In Form Builder, click on Add Form Element on the left.
    2. Under the Basic tab, search for Dropdown and add it into the form.
    3. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 70
    4. Click on the field's Gear icon.
    5. Update the Field Name as needed.
    6. Go to the Options tab and put in the necessary selections for it.
    7. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 81

    Once done, you will now need to create another Autoresponder Email for your form. How will it work is, the 1st Autoresponder email will be a regular email form users will get after filling out your form, without a PDF file, if they answered NO from the dropdown. The reverse will happen for the 2nd Autoresponder Email if they answered YES, with a PDF attachment included. Here's how:

    1. In Form Builder, select Settings from the orange navigation bar.
    2. Go to Emails and select Add Email.
    3. Choose Autoresponder Email from the list. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 92
    4. In the email settings, go to the Advanced tab and click on Upload File under Attach File.
    5. Select the PDF file you want to include in the email.
    6. Once added, scroll down and click on Save. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 103

    The last thing you need to do is to create a condition wherein if a form user selects YES from the dropdown you added into your form, they will receive the 2nd Autoresponder Email with the included PDF file. Let me show you how:

    1. In the Settings window, go to Conditions.
    2. Select Change Email Recipient from the list.
    3. Start adding the conditions. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 114
    4. Here's a screenshot of the condition set:Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 125
    5. Make sure to click on Save once done.

    Check out this demo form so you can try it out. Feel free to clone it if needed.

    If that’s not exactly what you’re looking for, you can share with us additional details on what you want to achieve, so we can have a better idea of it and look for more options to help you.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Ethan
    Replied on September 2, 2024 at 6:40 PM

    Thanks Rene.

    Good to know Jotform is that powerful with the logic.

    Just to clarify, our requirement is more simple but appreciate if you can share how we can do the following.

    For instance, we have a contact / agreement template which we send to our potential clients. We create an online form for the potential clients to tell us about what they need. Say the online form only has 1 question in which

    1. if the client answers Yes and submit the online form, we will generate the PDF version of the contract/agreement with the SCOPE A + SCOPE B. The contract/agreement will be sent by email and the client is expected to sign back to acknowledge the contract/agreement.
    2. if the client answers No and submit the online form, we will generate the PDF version of the contract/agreement with the SCOPE A (ONLY). The contract/agreement will be sent by email and the client is expected to sign back to acknowledge the contract/agreement.

    And the additional requirement is that, we want the contract/agreement to be approved by a senior sales director before going out to the client.

    Please let me know if we can achieve the above through jotform. If possible, would you please share with us the brief procedures so we can understand how easy/difficult it is. Thanks.

  • Gian JotForm Support
    Replied on September 2, 2024 at 8:17 PM

    Hi Ethan,

    You can use the Approval Flow feature for your goal. In this way, you can automatically send the corresponding documents (based on the user's response) that the users need to sign after the approver approves the submission. Here's how to enable the Approval Flow on your form:

    1. Go to the Settings tab.
    2. Choose Approval Flows on the left.
    3. Click Create an approval flow.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 100

    This will open the Jotform Approvals builder with a basic one-step approval setup. However, you can customize it based on your workflow. Let me walk you through how you can set up the workflow based on your description:

    1. In the Approval element click it and select the Gear icon.
    2. Add the email address of the approver. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 111
    3. Remove the link between the Approval Confirmation Email element and the Approval Element.
    4. Drag the Conditional Branch element and add it to your workflow.
    5. Link the Approval element to the Conditional Branch element.  Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 122
    6. Start adding the condition branches for the Yes and No answers. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 133
    7. Add two Sign Document elements. This will need you to create two Jotform Sign documents for each agreement type. Here's the guide How to Use Jotform Sign, Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 144
    8. Add the two Jotform Sign documents on each corresponding Sign Document element.
    9. Set up the Signed Document assignee for each document and it should be the Email field on your form. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 155
    10. Connect the Sign Document elements with each branch from the Conditional Branch element.
    11. Connect the Jotform Sign documents to the End element. Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 166
    12. You can also remove the Email element for the Approval Confirmation email if it's not needed:Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 177

    Here's a screenshot of the ideal workflow:

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 188

    With that workflow, this is what happens:

    1. Form respondent submits the form.
    2. Submission sent to the Approver.
    3. Once approved, the Jotform Sign request will go to the respondent based on their answer.
    4. Once the document is signed, an email will be sent to the respondent with the PDF attachment of the signed document.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 2:29 PM

    Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation, Gian.

    Although your solution cannot handle conditional logic on Word/PDF directly, and we dont prefer to create a new online form to invite the recipient to submit their info (as we have a well designed Word/PDF agrrement ready), it is still a good alternative to us.

    Based on our discussion so far, we would like to move forward and understand more about the next steps. Also we need to understand whether our entire workflow would work and for how much.

    • I can see you have Salesforce integration. I want to explore this revised workflow similar to my requirements in the previous message. Whether it is possible to implement with Jotform+Salesforce integration or you can let me know the limitations and the alternative practice to achieve what we are trying to do.
    • Background: Service agreement with clients
    • We create a new custom object on Salesforce called "Service Agreement" with a list of fields including,
    1. "contact info of client",
    2. "contact info of our Company",
    3. "service scope",
    4. "offer" (if we provide),
    5. "revenue sharing details" (if we offer),
    6. service terms,
    7. service fee..etc
    • And the workflow:
    1. Our sales team create a new record of Service Agreement on salesforce by filling in the list of data fields as mentioned above
    2. Preferably on Salesforce also, our sales team click a button "Send Agreement to client", the online form we prepared through jotform will be sent to the client contact (full name and email will be 2 of the fields under the Service Agreement object).
    3. Client will receive the email notification with a link to open the form. The form we created through jobform will ask the client the remaining information for generate the full service agreement. Questions including
    4. Contracting Party info (list of data fields)
    5. Whether they need 3-month maintenance support (checkbox)
    6. Client will then submit the form and those information they submitted will be on the Service Agreement record on Salesforce.
    7. As we now have all the agreed scope and info on service agreement, our sales team will be able to go to the corresponding Service Agreement record on Salesforce, and click "Generate and Send Service Agreement". The service agreement with all the information input by both parties will be sent to our senior member(s) of our team to approve first
    8. Once it is approved, the service agreement will be sent to client for e-sign. Similar to what DocuSign and Adobe sign do.
    9. If client signs the agreement, we would like to have the signed agreement (PDF) file attached to the Service Agreement record on Salesforce. In addition, the "status" field of the service agreement record will be updated to "Signed" from "Sent for e-sign".
    10. if the client has further comment and the service agreement requires to modify, they can leave comment directly (if possible) and submit OR they can reject. Our sales team will be notified and follow up and go back and repeat from step (v) to modify the record and send the agreement for approval once again.

    And the Pricing

    • I can see you provide free, bronze, silve, gold, and enterprise plan options. If we only start with 1-2 forms and expect around 100-200 information submission with e-sign. Does it mean we only need to pay for Bronze plan x how many users we need? Provided that the above entire workflow can be achieved?

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 2:37 PM

    some additional info/questions

    1. Does the approver or the client requires a license of Jotform or Salesforce to be able to approve the agreement / fill in the online form?
    2. If the salesforce-integrated workflow above does not work with jotform solution, please do share your alternative solutions. The whole idea of integrating with Salesforce is that, we can manage all these signed documents in one platform and it makes the best sense to have these contract related documents linking to our client profiles on salesforce
    3. If this service agreement workflow is possible, we will prepare other agreement e.g. NDA, project acceptance form, quotation with item selection..etc. It is possible to customise list views to group different types of agreement, for instance, when we go to "Service Agreement" page, we can see all the service agreement we sent out and by when we sent out and also the current status.
  • Gian JotForm Support
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 3:12 PM

    Hi Ethan,

    Please note that the Salesforce Integration with Jotform allows you to create/update a record or find a record. So, if your workflow starts with Salesforce, you need to configure it on your Salesforce account to see if it's possible to trigger or send the Jotform form to your clients using a button in Salesforce. However, you can still integrate your form with Salesforce which will help you achieve step #6 in the workflow. Based on your workflow, most of the steps need to be done via Salesforce.

    If you'll utilize the Jotform approval flow feature only, approvers are not required to have a Jotform account as our approval flow will allow you to not require the login for approvers.

    As for your question regarding our pricing, I moved it to this ticket. I will provide my answer shortly.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 3:20 PM

    Thanks for the quick response Gian.

    One question. You mentioned that "So, if your workflow starts with Salesforce, you need to configure it on your Salesforce account to see if it's possible to trigger or send the Jotform form to your clients using a button in Salesforce. "

    Does it mean there is uncertainty on whether we can trigger the jotform form? Isnt the Salesforce integration with Jotform has that ?

    If our direction is to make best use of Jotform while keeping records and file on salesforce, do you have a suggestion on how to achieve the high level workflow I shared using Jotform for most steps?

  • Eldrex JotForm Support
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 3:28 PM

    Hello elEthan,

    Salesforce integration with Jotform does allow for some automation between the two platforms. However, the specifics of how you can trigger or send a Jotform form directly from within Salesforce depend on how you set up your Salesforce configuration. The integration itself provides various functionalities, but how you implement these features—like triggering forms or actions from within Salesforce.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with. 

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 3:43 PM

    thanks Eldrex.

    This is tricky. Because we would like to move forward but we dont have the full picture yet.

    We are familiar with Salesforce and we are able to create button (lightening component etc). But we have no idea how we can "call" jotform when the online form is also ready on jotform. Do you have specific documentation on this part of integration? This is essential for us to move forward.

    Also if there is still concern on salesforce-jotform integration, I have just created a new workflow minimizing the use of Salesforce. Could you again review if this is something we can do on jotform? As mentioned, if we dont have the full picture, we cannot make the decision and we dont know how to get started.

    Alternative workflow:

    1. Our sales team create a new record on Jotform OR fill in a jotform with the set of data fields supposedly provided by our sales team on the Service Agreement and submit.
    2. Jotform workflow will trigger to send another jotform form to the client to fill in the remaining set of data fields, e.g.
    3. Contracting Party info (list of data fields)
    4. Whether they need 3-month maintenance support (checkbox)
    5. Client will then submit the form
    6. As we now have all the agreed scope and info for service agreement, our sales team will be able to send the service agreement template with the data integrated to the agreement to our senior member(s) of our team to approve first
    7. Once it is approved, the service agreement will be sent to client for e-sign. Similar to what DocuSign and Adobe sign do.
    8. If client signs the agreement, we would like to have the signed agreement (PDF) file attached to the Service Agreement record on Salesforce IF POSSIBLE THRU INTEGRATION. In addition, the "status" field of the service agreement record will be updated to "Signed" from "Sent for e-sign", again IF POSSIBLE THRU INTEGRATION
    9. if the client has further comment and the service agreement requires to modify, they can leave comment directly (if possible) and submit OR they can reject. Our sales team will be notified and follow up and go back and repeat from step (4) to modify the record and send the agreement for approval once again.

  • Gian JotForm Support
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 4:08 PM

    Hello elEthan,

    If your entire workflow will only include Jotform forms and Jotform Sign documents, the Approval Flow feature alone can help achieve that.

    However, your described workflow automation includes different online platforms such as Jotform and Salesforce. So, automated workflow in this case could be achieved using a third-party integration tool like Zapier and Integrately.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 6:45 PM

    Thanks Gian. Good to know we are handling the whole workflow on Jotform. Any particular thing we need to be aware of in building our workflow? I mean the workflow is designed by me without any knowledge of what is good and what is kind of a limit for jotform. Appreciate if you can provide some suggestion to fine tune the workflow.

    And are we able to get a trial with full function so we can 100% test the whole thing before subscribing the plan? And we expect with the demo and intro session with our internal team, it could take at least 1 week.

  • Gian JotForm Support
    Replied on September 6, 2024 at 7:43 PM

    Hello elEthan,

    We currently offer a free trial of our paid plans. If you want to test the full feature of having a Jotform paid plan, you can subscribe to the monthly plan. If you're not satisfied after testing the full feature, you can reach out to us again and within 30 days from the upgrade date and we'll be able to cancel refund your payment.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 7, 2024 at 9:14 AM

    Hi Gian,

    I have drafted one exhibitor registration form for a sample project.

    I will need some help. For example, for the booth size, we can ask the exhibitor to select by themselves, however, just like most of the other information (e.g. no. of passes we offer to their crew), the information are provided by our event manager. So instead of having all the variable data input from the form we created and ask the exhibitor to input, we actually need our event manager to fill in most of the information before sending the form to exhibitor to fill in the remaining information (e.g. contact info). Ultimately, we want all these information collected and generate an agreement to send to the exhibitor and ourselves to e-sign

    What would be the best practice?

    1. create 2 forms - 1 for our event manager and 1 for each exhibitor? and somehow we automate the process that after event manager completes the 1st form, system would auto send the 2nd form to exhibitor?
    2. alternatively, do we have somewhere for our event manager to input the information (e.g. booth size and no. of passes) before sending the form to the exhibitor to input the rest?

    And for the last part, what is the suggestion to generate the agreement PDF for e-sign using jotform? If jotform alone is not possible, is salesforce the best option with jotform or there are other more integrated with jotform? Adobe Sign? DocuSign

  • James Adalem JotForm Support
    Replied on September 7, 2024 at 9:49 AM

    Hi elEthan,

    I’ll need a bit of time to look into this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

  • James Adalem JotForm Support
    Replied on September 7, 2024 at 10:55 AM

    Hi elEthan,

    I checked your Exhibitor Registration Form, and I can see that you have enabled the Jotform Sign feature, enabling this feature will disable submission editing. We can use the Manual Prefill feature to achieve your requirements. The flow would be, first, you will input the information provided by your event manager, then you will send an invitation to your exhibitor to let them fill in the remaining information on your form. Here’s how to do it:

    First, we need to disable the Jotform Sign feature:

    1. In Form Builder, click on Settings in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page.
    2. Go to the Jotform Sign panel on the left side of the page.
    3. Toggle OFF the Enable Jotform Sign Automation.Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 60

    Next, we pre-populate your form with the information provided by the event manager by using the Manual Prefill feature:

    1. In Form Builder, click on Publish in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page.
    2. Go to the Prefill panel.
    3. Select Manual Prefill.Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 71
    4. Click on the Add a New Prefill.
    5. Enter the information given by the event manager.
    6. Click on Create at the top-left of the page.
      Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 82

    Lastly, we will send the invitation to the exhibitor:

    1. Click on the Three Dot icon of the prefill you created, and click on Send Invitation.
    2. Enter the email address of the recipient, also you can add a message if you want.,
    3. Click on the Send Invitation button, then Done.
      Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 93

    Result Screencast:
    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 104

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 7, 2024 at 5:05 PM

    Thanks James.

    The prefill function is definitely essential when we send the form to different exhibitors as the content is different for each exhibitor (e.g. booth size and specific offer).

    I further checked the salesforce integration on jotform when I build the form. I noticed that we can actually retrieve the records (or data) from Salesforce object.

    Sending Autoresponder Email based on selected answer from form Image 1 Screenshot 20 Screenshot 10


    Therefore, I wonder instead of using the prefill function, if those predefined data fields (e.g. booth size and specific offer) are there on Salesforce object (Exhibitor Agreement) already. Can we somehow prefill the online form based on the data on Salesforce? For instance, if we only have 5 exhibitors now, we have already created 5 records on Salesforce

    • Exhibitor Name - Booth Size
    1. Exhibitor Name ABC - 5m x 5m
    2. Exhibitor Name DEF - 6m x 6m
    3. Exhibitor Name GHI - 8m x 8m
    4. Exhibitor Name JKL - 10m x 10m
    5. Exhibitor Name MNO - 3m x 3m

    What we want to do is that, for Exhibitor ABC, when we send them the online form, I want the Exhibitor Name field on the online form will be showing Exhibitor ABC by default and the booth size width and length will be 5 x 5 by default. And same setup when we try to send to Exhibitor DEF..etc


    the reason is that, I am aware the standard jotform setup is for people to send the same form to anyone to submit and each submission will be new records (on Salesforce). However, what we are trying to do is that, if we have 1,000 exhibitors, we want to manage the 1,000 exhibitor info on both jotform and Salesforce. So we dont need to worry how many submission each exhibitor submitted, the latest submission will always update to the corresponding exhibitor info record on Salesforce. We can created an unique ID for each exhibitor record on Salesforce. But we dont know how to do that on jotform. Please let us know the best practice. Thanks.
  • esvesv
    Replied on September 7, 2024 at 5:21 PM

    Regarding the last part of the workflow, I am aware that if the data will be synced to Salesforce after the jotform form submitted. It makes sense more sense to handle the final agreement document PDF generation on Salesforce somehow.

    However, if we want to try to use jotform to manage the finalized data to generate the agreement doc PDF, could you share with us whether and how we can do that including e-sign

    1. if we have the agreement in Word doc format template ready
    2. if we are ok to use the fillable PDF through jotform (Not sure how to do that yet)

    once these final questions solved, I think we are ready to subscribe for jotform Silver plan as we can really see the potential to build most of our contract/agreement workflows with e-sign. Thanks

  • Eldrex JotForm Support
    Replied on September 7, 2024 at 6:01 PM

    Hello esvesv,

    I will be separating questions that are not related to the main topic on this thread to avoid confusion. Please see the list of links below to check for the answers:

    1.  I wonder instead of using the prefill function, if those predefined data fields (e.g. booth size and specific offer) are there on Salesforce object (Exhibitor Agreement) already. Can we somehow prefill the online form based on the data on Salesforce? For instance, if we only have 5 exhibitors now, we have already created 5 records on Salesforce?
    2. Unique ID in Jotform.
    3. If we have the agreement in Word doc format template ready
    4. This question "if we are ok to use the fillable PDF through jotform (Not sure how to do that yet)" is answered here.

    You can reply to the relevant threads for each topic if you have any questions.

    Let us know if you need any more help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 7, 2024 at 6:45 PM

    Thanks Eldrex. You have answered all our questions. I will give it a try on the PDF generation and the workflow logic.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 7, 2024 at 11:41 PM

    We are not able to update back the form field data to Salesforce although the integration has been successfully setup.

    As mentioned, we are trying to have the data submitted from the Jotform form to update to the Salesforce custom object Exhibitor Agreement. However, I am not sure if there is configuration issue, when we submit the online form, a new record of Exhibitor Agreement is created instead of updating the existing record. Could you share waht we have done wrong based on the screenshot? Actually why I have to select at least one filed under "Create a record" as I dont want to create a record. Thanks.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 20

  • Ericson_B JotForm Support
    Replied on September 8, 2024 at 3:14 AM

    Hi esvesv,

    I reviewed your Salesforce integration and noticed that you've set it up to update existing records. Could you please provide a screenshot of the data in Salesforce where a new record has been created with the same Exhibitor/Program field? This guide will show you how to do that.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 8, 2024 at 5:16 PM

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 30Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 41

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 8, 2024 at 5:19 PM

    As you can see, a new record was created. Originally, there was EA-000002 as well but I had deleted it.

    And on the jotform-salesforce integration data mapping window, you can see although I set it up as updating existing record, it still requires me to select at least one record mapping for "Create a record" in the 3rd screenshot. I have no idea what i have done incorrectly. Please help asap. Thanks.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 40Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 51Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 62

  • Mark Alan JotForm Support
    Replied on September 8, 2024 at 6:08 PM

    Hi esvesv,

    Your integration seemed right. What you did was a test submission right? It'll generate a new record if one doesn't exist or cannot locate the existing account/information. In the Update if an existing account is found section, try to enter one field that you have chosen in Salesforce as being the field that Jotform searches for to verify if it has found the right record.

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 8, 2024 at 6:18 PM

    On a related note. If we can update the submitted data through jotform form and sync successfully to our Salesforce object (Exhibitor Agreement), we are exploring what would be the best practice we can use Jotform to generate the Exhibitor Agreement PDF for signing as we already have the Exhibitor Agreement PDF ready with proper layout.

    What I am exploring is to import our PDF ( to be the form and create the online form and pre-fill all the necessary data from Salesforce. So basically, our team would just need to prefill each Exhibitor Agreement data from Salesforce and submit the form. I am aware that we can download the PDF with the data submitted. But I just wonder if we can build the workflow through this setup,

    1. Import our Exhibitor Agreement PDF as form
    2. Create the online form with mapping of all the fields with our Exhibitor Agreement PDF
    3. Prefill the form with data from Salesforce by each record from Exhibitor Agreement object
    4. Submit the form
    5. (our uncertainty is here.. what would be the easier way to have this Agreement PDF with data submitted and sent to Exhibitor to e-sign?)
    6. do we need to download the PDF with the data and manually send to each exhibitor to e-sign back? or we can use your Workflow feature to create the following steps
    7. Once the form submitted, the PDF with data submitted will be sent to a specific Approver email to approve
    8. Once approved, the PDF with data submitted will be sent to Exhibitor to e-sign
    9. Once e-signed, it will be sent to our Event Manager to e-sign as well
    10. Once 2 parties signed, the signed PDF will be saved on Jotform and Salesforce. Also email a copy to specific email group.

    Thanks. This is really the last part of the workflow and we should be good to use it for real cases next.

  • Aries JotForm Support
    Replied on September 8, 2024 at 6:38 PM

    Hi esvesv,

    I’ll need a bit of time to look into this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 8, 2024 at 7:11 PM

    Hi Mark Alan,

    Your integration seemed right. What you did was a test submission right? It'll generate a new record if one doesn't exist or cannot locate the existing account/information. In the Update if an existing account is found section, try to enter one field that you have chosen in Salesforce as being the field that Jotform searches for to verify if it has found the right record.

    Yes. We did a test submission. It always generated a new record even

    I have tried another time and it still created a new records. You can see from the form below. Jotform can locate the existing record (EA-00001) from Salesforce. But when we submit the form, the data doesnt save to the EA-00001 record on Salesforce but creating a new one, EA-00004

    Please let me know what happening and how we can fix that. Thanks.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 20

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 8, 2024 at 10:59 PM

    I guess it is related to the "Create a record" part. I just cannot remove it as I dont expect I need to select any field in this part if I only need to update the data but not to create a record.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 20

  • Aries JotForm Support
    Replied on September 9, 2024 at 3:35 PM

    Hi esvesv,

    If you would like to make a fillable PDF form or if you want your downloaded PDF file to be fillable, you can use Smart PDF, This will allow you to map each field from the PDF to corresponding form fields. Check out the sample screencast below:

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 20

    And it would be easier if you use our Workflow feature to build the e-signature and approval process rather than sending the PDF file manually.

    Regarding to your question in updating records in Salesforce, by selecting the Create A Record option and when you turned on Update an Existing Data, it is recommended to match all fields. You can add the other fields by clicking on the +Add Field button.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 9, 2024 at 5:17 PM

    Hi Aries, thanks for the reply.

    Regarding to your question in updating records in Salesforce, by selecting the Create A Record option and when you turned on Update an Existing Data, it is recommended to match all fields. You can add the other fields by clicking on the +Add Field button.

    It is getting frustrating on this. Please help to trouble shoot what is wrong on the Salesforce integration.

    What i am saying is that, i only need to update back the records to salesforce and have all the fields mapped already under "Update an existing record". However, it still creates a new record instead of updating the record on Salesforce. And I was saying i guess the problem is from the "Create a record" section which it required me to choose one of the fields in order to "SAVE". It doesnt allow me to "SAVE" if I dont choose a field under "Create a record". (Please see screenshot below. The "Exhibitor / Program" was not my intention to add. If I didnt add it, it didnt allow me to continue. And after selecting it, i am not able to remove it. I can only choose another field. WHY we need to select a field there in the first place if we only need to update an existing record??)

    I dont expect I need to select and field under "Create a record". Please help to check what is the problem. I am still stuck here. We still cannot update an existing record.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 20

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 9, 2024 at 6:14 PM

    i recorded a video for your reference

    You can see that, even if i removed all the field mapping and started again, it still requires me to select something under "Create a record" before I can "SAVE". It doesnt make sense as I only need to update the fields back to Salesforce under the [Exhibitor Agreement] object. I never need to create a new record. So why it requires me to select a field for "Create a record". Please let me know how it works and what went wrong

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 9, 2024 at 6:15 PM

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 9, 2024 at 9:07 PM

    We have followed your suggestions to map all fields but still, it requires us to add a field under "Create a record". Does it mean Jotform can only create a new record on Salesforce for an object? No way to update an existing record? Please watch another video I recorded for your reference.
  • Eldrex JotForm Support
    Replied on September 9, 2024 at 9:11 PM

    Hello esvesv,

    Can you send us the link to your form so we can test it out? Jotform has the ability to update existing data using search parameters, that is if you select “Update Existing Entry”. The reason why I am asking for the link of your form is to test it out, since the video shows that you cannot move forward and add a new field in your Salesforce integration. I would like to look at it and see what went wrong.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 9, 2024 at 9:30 PM

    Thanks for looking at it Eldrex.

    Here is the form link

    And this is the form backend page (Build page)
  • Jessica JotForm Support
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 12:31 AM

    Hi esvesv,

    When setting up integration with Salesforce, "Create a record" section still need to be filled, this is because if there is no existing record, a new record will be push to Salesforce. It's currently not possible to configure the integration to update existing record only, without creating new record when no match is found.

    Now, about your issue that the submissions are sent as new record and not updating existing record, you can consider mapping "Create a record" section the same way as "Update an existing record". If a relevant match is found, our integration will automatically update the existing record.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 20

    If the issue still persists even after you mapped "Create a record" section the same way as "Update an existing record", let us know and we'll check more into it. 

    Let us know if you have more questions. 

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 1:43 AM

    Hi Jessica, thanks for the reply. I am going to give it a try.

    Quick question. Could you tell me how jotform determines "if a relevant match is found"? Based on more than x number of fields with the same values? or based on the unique iDs? I dont see it asks for the fields for mapping
  • Blake JotForm Support
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 2:44 AM

    Hi esvesy,

    As for your other question, I've moved that to a new thread. You can check that out here.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 2:55 AM

    Hi Jessica

    If the issue still persists even after you mapped "Create a record" section the same way as "Update an existing record", let us know and we'll check more into it. 

    We have tried that and all the 20+ fields under "Create a record". It still created another new record on Salesforce. Therefore, I would like to understand the logic of how the system determine there is a match of existing record.

  • Clara JotForm Support
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 4:01 AM

    Hi esvesv,

    Salesforce integration uses its standard matching rules to identify whether a record already exists in your account. You can check this guide here to check duplicate rules for Salesforce. We also have a guide about Salesforce Duplicate Checking that you can check out.

    Let us know if you need any other help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 5:14 AM

    Thanks Clara for the explanation of the duplicate rules.

    We have got both "Create a record" and "Update an existing record" having the same list of the field mapping, however, when we submit the form, it still creates a new record on Salesforce instead of updating an existing record. Please help to figure out what went wrong to our Salesforce integration asap.

  • Lorenz JotForm Support
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 5:51 AM

    Hi esvesv,

    I checked your form, and you have the fields below as the matching criteria.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 20

    This means, all the selected fields must matched, in order for an existing record to update. Try selecting one field at the moment, like the email field. Then, make a test submission after that.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 2:50 PM

    Thanks Lorenz. Oh ok. So possibly we misunderstood the whole idea of the field mappings for "Create a record" and "Update an existing record". Just to help the other users to avoid the potential confusion, I would suggest you create documentation with example for this setup. At least we know where is the actual logic setup for determining if there is existing record.

    Lorenz, could you also convert this thread of private as i missed to select that in the very beginning. I found that some of the screenshots, content contain some company internal info which we prefer not to share.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 3:11 PM

    Also Lorenz, the correct mapping in our case is the unique ID of our Exhibitor Agreement object. It is the Exhibitor Agreement ID (Autonumber), e.g. A-0001, A-0002

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 30

    The equivalent text field on jotform is "Exhibitor Number" (Text field). We cannot find the Exhibitor Agreement ID to map possibly because of the data field type? (autonumber <> text). Could you let us know whether there is a fix or workaround? It is the field for mapping an existing record as it is a unique ID on salesforce.

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 41

  • Rene JotForm Support
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 3:50 PM

    Hi esvesv,

    I have set the thread as Private, as per your request. This means, only you and us Support Team can view and respond to the thread.

    About your question for the Exhibitor Number, I was able to check that you are using a Short Text field in it. But, based on the link you shared with us with prefilled info, it has a combination of text, symbols, and numbers. Some standard fields like the Text field in Salesforce might not meet your criteria when mapping a field with Jotform. Consider using custom fields for this, and see if it'll work for you. Check this link from Salesforce Learning Modules page on how to create custom fields. You might also want to check out this guide on How to Map Fields in Salesforce.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 7:33 PM

    Thanks Rene for the reply.

    What we are trying to do is to map the following fields from both platform so that when we update the jotform form, it will not create a new record on Salesforce. It should update the existing record on Salesforce

    1. (Jotform) Exhibitor Number (short text data field, e.g. A-25-0001) - prefill from salesforce as shown in the screenshot
    2. (Salesforce) Exhibitor Agreement ID (autonumber data type, e.g. A-25-0001)

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 30

    The problem is that, when we setup the Salesforce integration, under Update an existing record, it doesnt allow us to map back the Exhibitor Agreement ID from salesforce. It is devastating because if there is no mapping of this unqiue ID, Jotform always incorrectly create a new record on Salesforce. Do you know what I mean?

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 41

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 7:39 PM

    The unique ID (Exhibitor Agreement ID) on salesforce is just a typical Auto Number data type (with text, symbols, numbers). So which data field on Jotform can map with it?

    Salesforce Integration: Update existing record Screenshot 20

    As you can see in the 1st screenshot from previous message, there is absolutely no problem to prefill Exhibitor Number on Jotform, from this unique ID (Exhibitor Agreement ID) from Salesforce. I dont understand the mapping is not possible on the salesforce integration when submitting the form.

  • Gian JotForm Support
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 8:22 PM

    Hi esvesv,

    Since you mentioned that your Agreement ID Salesforce field is an autonumber field and based on what I found online, the auto number field is generated by sequence and assigned to a record when a new record is created. With that being said, it's not possible to match it with any Jotform field. The Jotform field can't decide the value of an autonumber field in Salesforce. The auto number field is working in the prefill because Salesforce is prefilling data to Jotform.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help.

  • esvesv
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 9:27 PM

    Thanks Gian. It is really a problem we need to fix. Because for determining whether there is an existing record on Salesforce, it makes perfect sense to use an unique ID. And auto number is always the reference number of an entity. I think Jotform can help to explore how this mapping can be possible in the long run.

    I cannot rely on other free text box values to determining if we are updating an existing record on salesforce. Some of our exhibitors will use their own company to get multiple booths so the contact info would not work neither.

    Please let us know if there is any practice from other of your customer. Thanks.

  • Lorenz JotForm Support
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 9:59 PM

    Hi esvesv,

    I'll be needing a bit of time to further look into this, and I'll be back with an update.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

  • Lorenz JotForm Support
    Replied on September 10, 2024 at 10:38 PM

    Hi esvesv,

    I've tried looking for workarounds, but to now avail. I've moved this topic to a new thread, and escalated it to our Developers as a feature request. You can check that out here.

    For the meantime, you may consider using other fields in your salesforce, as matching criteria, to update an existing record.

    Let us know if there's anything else you would like to ask.

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