Is it possible to assign different price for different month?

  • pdonnadieux78164
    Demandé le 22 août 2024 à 05:00
    Depending on the reservation date, is it possible to give a price for the mobile home chosen, knowing that the period from March to June and from September to November is the same price but not in July and August?
  • Jessica Jotform Support
    Répondu le 22 août 2024 à 05:11

    Hi Philippe,

    At the present, it's not possible to assign different price for different month, but there are workarounds for this. You'll need to add the following configuration to your form:

    1. 1 additional Dropdown selection
    2. 1 additional Conditional Logic Update/Calculate field
    3. 2 additional Conditional Logic Show/Hide field.

    I have cloned your form and configure the setting. You can check the demo form here and test it. If you have selected within July-August, and outside July-August, the dropdown will show differently, and the pricing are also different:

    Is it possible to assign different price for different month? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    You can also check the setting by cloning the form. If this suit what you are looking for, let us know and we'll be happy to provide step-by-step instruction for you. If this doesn't suit what you are looking for, could you elaborate more with us?

    Let us know if you have more questions.