Webinar: Get more done through the power of automation

Webinar: Get more done through the power of automation

Peanut butter and jelly. Salt and pepper. San Francisco and fog. Some things are so tightly linked that it’s virtually impossible to talk about one without mentioning the other. Add one more pair to that list: Jotform and automation.

There are endless ways Jotform can help you automate your processes. You may have noticed this is something we’re talking about a lot lately. That’s because we firmly believe Jotform has the power to make your work — and your life — significantly easier.

Pair Jotform with other no-code platforms for infinite ways to boost your productivity. You can eliminate redundancy in your workflows, reduce errors, and find more free time in your schedule (perhaps for a trip to foggy San Francisco).

In this webinar we talk about some of our favorite integrations and workflow automations. We share more about the power of automation and look at a variety of use cases to inspire you to get more done with less effort.

Youtube Embed Poster: Bw2MxVI6oG0
Morgan is the webinar manager at Jotform. She is passionate about helping people do their best work and has spent many years crafting sessions that educate users on how to make the most of a product. Outside of Jotform she tries to explore as much of the world as possible, makes lots of cakes, and goes wine tasting whenever she can. You can reach Morgan through her contact form.

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