Bug in Conditional Login in Copying Value into Value used by Square Payment Widget

  • mooselakegospelcamp
    Asked on September 2, 2024 at 11:03 PM


    I think I'm experiencing a bug with the Square Payment Widget and conditional logic.

    Essentially my form has a two button option, pay full amount or pay deposit. I have two conditionals: If "full amount" is selected, copy the full amount value into the "Total Due Now" field. If "deposit" is selected, copy 50 in to the "Total Due Now" field. The Square Payment widget is getting the price from the "Total Due Now" Field.

    On initial selection of the full amount/deposit option, the value is properly copied into the Square payment widget. But if you toggle the full amount/deposit option back and forth, the Square Payment Widget does not properly update. It remains with the $50 deposit value.

    Is this a known bug? If so, is there a known workaround?


  • Ibrar JotForm Support
    Replied on September 3, 2024 at 2:19 AM

    Hi Moose,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Since, when user choose Credit Card as payment method the Square will be shown and based on Formula it picks the value from Total Due Now, in order to change the value in Square you'll have to hide and show the square payment method, which can be done by choose E-Transaction and then choosing back credit card. Alternatively, you can also disable field to choose Deposit or full payment once user choose his payment method. It is really easy to disable a field conditionally, let me show you how:

    1. In Form builder, select Settings at the top.

    2. In the menu that opens on the left side of the page, click on Conditions.

    3. Click on + Add condition and choose Enable/Require/Mask field.

    Bug in Conditional Login in Copying Value into Value used by Square Payment Widget Image 1 Screenshot 30

    4. Set condition as below picture:

    Bug in Conditional Login in Copying Value into Value used by Square Payment Widget Image 2 Screenshot 41

    We also have a guide about How to Enable or Disable Fields Using Conditional Logic that you can check out. Reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • mooselakegospelcamp
    Replied on September 4, 2024 at 11:44 PM

    Great the first option worked thanks. I can't do the second option in case they accidentally picked the wrong one

  • Kobe JotForm Support
    Replied on September 5, 2024 at 2:38 AM

    Hi mooselakegospelcamp,

    I went ahead and cloned your form, toggled back and forth on Deposit and Full Amount, and the Total Amount of Payment was updated correctly on my end. Here is a screencast of my results:

    Bug in Conditional Login in Copying Value into Value used by Square Payment Widget Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Do you still need help with this? If so, can you give us more details on what you're trying to achieve, so that we can help you better?

    Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

  • mooselakegospelcamp
    Replied on September 5, 2024 at 2:47 PM


    Yes it's working because I added this condition that hides and shows the square widget every time an item is selected.

    Bug in Conditional Login in Copying Value into Value used by Square Payment Widget Image 1 Screenshot 20

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