How to make a calculation with condition based on the user's answer?

  • nasirmirani97
    Asked on August 29, 2024 at 8:54 AM

    Kindly how its posible i trying but confused kindly share few tip like screenshots.. see pdf for more understanding file:///C:/Users/Al%20Rehman%20Laptop/Downloads/Sophomore%20Personality%20Assessment%20edit-1%20(1).pdf if this link not work kindly check this

    Here is my jotform link

    Understanding the Scoring Instructions:

    In the PDF, each question corresponds to one of the nine Enneagram types (represented by Columns A-I). The test requires users to choose between two statements for each question, and their answers correspond to specific Enneagram types.

    The objective is to tally how many times each user selected a statement corresponding to each Enneagram type and then display the result with the highest score.

    Steps to Assign Calculation Values and Show Results:
    1. Assign Points to Responses:
    • For each Single Choice question, assign a point value corresponding to the Enneagram type (Column A, B, C, etc.) that each statement is aligned with.
    • Example:
    • Question 1:
    • Option 1: Aligns with Type 4 → assign 1 point for Type 4.
    • Option 2: Aligns with Type 1 → assign 1 point for Type 1.
    • Repeat this for all 36 questions.
    1. Set Up Multiple Form Calculation Widgets:
    • Add Form Calculation Widgets to calculate the total points for each Enneagram type (i.e., one widget for each type: Type 1 through Type 9).
    • For example, to calculate Type 1's total, create a calculation that adds all the points assigned to Type 1 from the relevant questions. Do the same for the other types.
    • You will have 9 different Form Calculation Widgets, one for each type, calculating their respective totals.
    1. Create Conditional Logic for Results:
    • Go to Settings > Conditions > Show/Hide Field.
    • Set conditions based on which Enneagram type has the highest total score:
    • For example, if Type 1 has the highest total score, show the result for "Type 1: The Reformer."
    • If Type 2 has the highest total score, show the result for "Type 2: The Helper."
    • Repeat for all types.
    1. Example:
    • If Type 1 score is greater than Type 2, Type 3, etc., show "You are a Type 1: The Reformer."
    • If Type 2 score is greater than all others, show "You are a Type 2: The Helper."
    1. Display Results:
    • Create a Text element for each Enneagram type result (e.g., "You are a Type 1: The Reformer").
    • Use the conditional logic to display the appropriate result based on the highest score.
    1. Send Results via Email:
    • Go to Settings > Emails and set up an Autoresponder Email.
    • Include the calculated results and the personality type in the email that is sent to the participant.

    By following this approach, you’ll align the scoring system in JotForm to match the PDF’s structure while using Single Choice questions. Let me know if you'd like further assistance with any step!

  • Cristy JotForm Support
    Replied on August 29, 2024 at 9:11 AM

    Hi Nasir,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Let me look into it and get back to you as soon as I can.

    Thanks for your patience, we appreciate it.

  • nasirmirani97
    Replied on August 29, 2024 at 3:09 PM

    alright waiting

  • nasirmirani97
    Replied on August 30, 2024 at 2:36 AM

    Hi, any update

  • Cristy JotForm Support
    Replied on August 30, 2024 at 4:35 PM

    Hi Nasir,

    Thank you for patiently waiting. I understood that you wanted to set up a condition wherein if a specific option is selected it gives point to the particular type from A – I. To achieve this, we will be using the Form Calculation widget as well as Short text field with condition. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder click the Short Text field from the basic elements to add it to your form.
    2. Rename each field based on the corresponding option per question.
    3. Right click on the field and select Conditional.
      How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 1 Screenshot 80
    4. Set up your condition like the sample below then click Save. Do the same steps on the other options with their corresponding questions.
      How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 2 Screenshot 91

    Once you have completed the instructions above, we will now add the Form Calculation. In your case since we will set up a a condition wherein if a specific option is selected it gives point to the particular type from A – I. We will need the same number of Form Calculation based on the number of Type. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, go to the Widgets tab and add the Form Calculation widget.
    2. On the widget setting on the right, add all option fields that correspond to the Type.
    3. Click Save once done. Do the same steps on the other types.
      How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 3 Screenshot 102

    Once done, we now make a calculation of the highest value. Let me walk you through:

    1. In Form Builder, add another Form Calculation widget.
    2. Click the purple function key on the widget setting on the right.
    3. Search and add the max() function then inside the parenthesis, add all the Type from A-I.
    4. Click Save once done.
      How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 4 Screenshot 113

    Now to get the highest scored Type from A-I, we will set another Form Calculation widget and add a condition. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, go to the Widgets tab and add the Form Calculation widget.
    2. Right-click on the widget, then select Condition.
    3. On the screen, select Add condition.
    4. Then select Update/Calculate Field.
      How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 5 Screenshot 124
    5. Configure your condition like you see below and replicate it with the other Type:
      How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 6 Screenshot 135

    That's it. Here's my clone form that you can inspect. Check out the screencast below for my results:

    How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 7 Screenshot 146

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • nasirmirani97
    Replied on August 31, 2024 at 7:55 AM

    Hi Cristy,

    I hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for your helpful guidelines regarding setting up the conditions in my form—I’ve successfully completed them as per your instructions!

    However, I'm currently stuck with the calculations aspect of the form. Could you kindly assist me in setting up these calculations based on your previous guidelines?

    Once again, I really appreciate your support and look forward to hearing from you.

    Here is my form link

    Best regards,


  • Andreas JotForm Support
    Replied on August 31, 2024 at 8:50 AM

    Hi Nasir,

    I cloned your form and tested it, but it seems everything was working correctly based on the calculation value you entered in the form fields. Take a look at the screenshot below to see my results:

    How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 1 Screenshot 20If that’s not exactly what you’re looking for, can you explain a bit more, so I can help you better? Rest assured, we’ll find a solution for this. Can you share with us a screen recording of what’s happening so we can try to replicate it on our end? You can share the video recording on any public sharing platform like Google Drive or Dropbox, or you can simply use Loom to record the video and share the video link with us.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.

  • nasirmirani97
    Replied on September 1, 2024 at 2:29 AM

    Thanks for your support, Now i need help in these points,,

    1. *Modify the Columns*: In the table or grid where the "Type A," "Type B," etc., are located, add the correlating Enneagram types (such as Type A = Enneagram 9, Type B = Enneagram 6, etc.) next to each letter.

    2. *Find the Correlations*: Based on your client’s instructions, you can refer to the top of page three from the document they provided. Identify which Enneagram number corresponds to each letter (A, B, C, etc.).

    3. *Add Labels*: Update the form columns, so they read something like:

      - Type A (Enneagram 9)

      - Type B (Enneagram 6)

      - Type C (Enneagram X) 

      - And so on, for all the types.

    here is my form link

  • nasirmirani97
    Replied on September 1, 2024 at 2:36 AM
  • Kris Ann JotForm Support
    Replied on September 1, 2024 at 3:39 AM

    Hi Nasir,

    I’ll need a bit of time to look into this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

  • nasirmirani97
    Replied on September 1, 2024 at 8:53 PM

    Beside each type, you can put the letter correlation. Found on page 3 of 

    "5. Column Breakdown:

    Each pair of statements corresponds to a specific Enneagram personality type, although the types may appear randomly. Here are the general types: 

    "D" is Type 1: The Reformer

    "F" is Type 2: The Helper

    "C" is Type 3: The Achiever

    "E" is Type 4: The Individualist

    "H" is Type 5: The Investigator

    "B" is Type 6: The Loyalist

    "I" is Type 7: The Enthusiast

    "G" is Type 8: The Challenger

    "A" is Type 9: The Peacemaker

    That's what I need fixed in the column breakdown on number 5. 

  • Jeric JotForm Support
    Replied on September 1, 2024 at 9:21 PM

    Hi Nasir,

    My colleague is currently working on this ticket. When an update is available, she will let you know here.

    Thanks for your patience, we appreciate it.

  • Kris Ann JotForm Support
    Replied on September 2, 2024 at 5:30 AM

    Hi Nasir,

    After a few tests, we were able to meet the requirements for number 1 and 2 but unfortunately as for number 3, it seems like it's not possible. You can check and test my Demo Form if it meets your requirements. You can also Clone it for you to see how I set the added fields and conditions.

    I also just want to inform you that the demo form have 96 form elements on it already, since you are on the Starter Plan you have a limit to use up to 100 fields per form only. To meet your additional requirements, you need to Upgrade your plan to increase your form fields limit, since what you're trying to do will needs more form field elements.

    How to make a calculation with condition based on the users answer? Image 1 Screenshot 20You can visit our Pricing Page to see the plans that we offer and it's features and limits and select which will suit your needs. As for your additional requirements, We don't provide custom form creation or designing services, but you're welcome to work with a third party who may be able to help you further. I recommend that you check out our Jotform Solutions Partner Directory for a list of consultants who've asked to be included.

    You can get in touch with the right Solutions Partner for you by sorting them by location, type of service, industry, language support, or partner tier. Just fill out the contact form for the Jotform partner you'd like to work with, so they can make the necessary preparations to help you. Another approach is to hire a Jot form-certified expert through Fiverr.

    Keep in mind, though, that these parties operate independently of Jotform, so we assume no responsibility or liability for their work or their actions. 

    We hope you find the help you're looking for.

Your Answer