Create and embed a custom payment form, order form, registration form, or contact form in your Shopify page. Get paid through your form via 30+ popular processors including Square, Stripe, and PayPal. Gather survey responses and collect feedback to get to know your customers better.
Never built a Shopify form before? Choose from these ready-made Shopify form templates and customize them with Jotform’s drag-and-drop builder. No coding knowledge required.
Build forms for Shopify from scratch or choose from 10,000+ ready-made form templates — including contact forms, payment forms, registration forms, wholesale order forms, and more.
Build a form for your Shopify page without any coding. Add company branding images, choose new fonts and colors, customize form fields, and more. Jotform’s advanced form designer makes it easy to create a form that works great for your specific needs.
Угради свој прилагођени образац у Shopify да одмах почмеш да прикупљаш одговоре. Када будеш спремни да делиш образац, добићеш аутоматски генерисани код за уградњу који можеш да копираш и налепиш да за неколико секунди додаш образац на своју Shopify страницу.
View all form responses in Jotform Tables as a spreadsheet, a table, or individual cards. You can also connect your forms with other platforms, including 40+ payment processors that let you accept payments online while paying no extra transaction fees to Jotform.