Free Museum App Builder

Looking to create an app for your museum, art center, or special exhibit? With Jotform’s free no-code App Builder, you can share upcoming events, provide your guests with important information, sell tickets, and send surveys to collect important feedback — all in one secure place. Museum visitors new and old can download your app and get their tickets in seconds.


Explore Free App Templates

Need a place to start? Pick one of our ready-made templates below and begin customizing with our drag-and-drop no-code App Builder. Take your app to the next level and design it to match your museum's unique offerings.

Museum App

Template museum-app

City Guide App

Template city-guide-app


Instantly Create App for your Museum

Make an App for Your Museum

Create a mobile app for your museum, gallery, or exhibit for free with Jotform. Share details about upcoming exhibits, make ticket booking a breeze, sell your unique merchandise, and make real connections with the next generation of art lovers.


Customize your app to match your museum. Upload your logo, add pictures of permanent and traveling exhibits, change fonts and colors, and more. You can even include special app elements like documents, links, and tables.

Collect Museum Donations

Build a powerful fundraising app for your museum with Jotform Donation Apps. Accept donations seamlessly through the Donation Box element. Your custom app will work on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer — so you’ll be able to reach your donors anytime, anywhere.

Collect Important Feedback

Your guests can download your app to their mobile devices — both iOS and Android — for easy access. Through the app they can send valuable feedback about your museum or gallery. You can also set up kiosk mode on an in-house device to collect survey responses in real time, either online or offline.

Reach More Guests




これは今までの中で最高のツールです!!!オンライン登録の解決策を探していたとき、見た選択肢は、簡単にカスタマイズできない上に、数千ドルもかかり、開発者に作業を依頼する必要がありました。Jotformを使えば、自分で簡単に変更ができ開発やコーディングの経験があまりなくても大丈夫です! とても気に入っていて、これから何年も使い続けるつもりです!

Alissa Kline, カウンシル・アシスタント, KLMCarpenters