Requests for Personal Information

This page concerns requests by one person or entity for another person’s personal information. Please read this entire page before sending us such a request.

Jotform has a policy of not producing personal information of our customers or of persons who fill in a form and then submit the form to our customer, except as required of us by law. In cases where we do produce information, we will produce only the information that we believe we are required to produce under applicable law. We do not produce full credit card or bank account numbers, driver’s license or passport numbers, social security numbers, personal health information, biometric data, or the like, unless required to do so under applicable law. Where we do produce information, we reserve the right to redact or hide any information that we believe we should do so to protect individuals’ privacy and/or to protect them from potential identity theft or other harm. In all cases, if the requesting party does not wish that we notify the party or parties whose information is being sought, that must be stated in the request for the information.

USA Law Enforcement Requests

If a member of law enforcement makes a request for the production of personal information, we will evaluate the request and will produce information if and to the extent that we believe the request is valid and that production is required. At a minimum, we require the name of the requesting person, the department or agency with which they are working, evidence that an official investigation has been opened regarding the matter at issue, specificity as to the information requested, a request made on formal letterhead of the agency or department, and a signature of the person making the request. If the request concerns a specific form, we require a link to the form. We will not produce information in response to requests that do not include these items.

Subpoenas and Requests in Connection with Civil Litigation Pending in the USA

If we receive a subpoena for personal information in connection with a legal proceeding in court or before a recognized tribunal or arbitration authority, we will produce information if and to the extent that we believe the subpoena is valid and that production is required. We will not produce personal information in response to informal requests. At a minimum, we require the name of the requesting person, valid use of a judicially-approved form of subpoena, the title of the action, the case number, specificity as to the information requested, and a signature of the judge, or if the subpoena is being issued by an attorney authorized to make requests on behalf of a court, that person’s signature. If the request concerns a specific form, we require a link to the form. We will not produce information in response to subpoenas that do not include these items.

Requests from Outside the USA

When we receive a request for personal information from a party outside the USA, we will evaluate the request to determine whether we believe we are required to comply, and if we do produce information, we will do so only to the extent we believe is required. At a minimum, we require the information specified in the sections above that discuss law enforcement requests and court subpoenas, as applicable. We will not produce information in connection with non-USA arbitrations or other tribunals.

Where to Send Requests

Requests should be sent to If you believe that you are required to mail us the request, you may send it to Jotform Inc., Four Embarcadero Ctr, Suite 780, San Francisco CA  94111 (USA), but we still require that a copy of the request be emailed to us at the email address above in order to process the request. 

Time Frames

The processing of requests for information takes time, so please don’t expect or request production in less time than we would be allowed to produce information under applicable law.

Requests from Private Citizens

We cannot produce personal information of third parties in response to requests from persons who are not acting in an official law enforcement or legal capacity. If you believe that you have been wronged by someone using our platform, and you wish to obtain the person’s personal information, and you either (i) notify law enforcement and they open an official investigation and they send us a valid demand for the information, or (ii) file a lawsuit against the person and we receive a valid subpoena from the court in connection with the matter, we will produce information to the requesting party if and to the extent that we believe the request is valid and that we are required to do so under applicable law.

No Legal Advice

We understand that in some cases, the requesting party is unaware of or unclear regarding applicable legal requirements. Unfortunately, we cannot provide legal advice as to how to comply with the law or as to what constitutes a valid request, given that legal issues are complex and that requirements differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and may also depend on the matter at issue.