How to Disable or Delete Jotform Apps

March 20, 2025

Jotform Apps provides ways to manage your custom apps effectively. Whether you want to temporarily pause an app’s functionality or permanently remove it from your environment, understanding how to disable or delete apps is essential.

Disabling Apps

Disabling an app stops its functionality within your Jotform environment. It’s useful when you want to temporarily suspend an app without permanently removing it. Let’s do it:

  1. On your My Workspace page, click on Type at the top and in the Dropdown menu that opens, uncheck the boxes next to all the assets except Apps, so only they’ll be shown on the page.
Workspace page displaying various asset types with a dropdown filter to show only Apps in Jotform
  1. Hover your mouse over the App you want to disable and click on Edit.
Hover over the App and click 'Edit' to manage its settings in Jotform
  1. Now, in App Builder, in the purple navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.
  2. Then, click on the Downward Arrow icon on the right side of the App Status section, and select Disabled.
App Builder settings page with an option to disable the app in Jotform
  1. Now, in the window that comes up, you can choose from the following options:
    • Show Message — Display a custom message to the user on the screen.
    • Redirect to Another App — Send the user to a different App automatically.
Popup window with options to show a message or redirect to another app in Jotform

Deleting Apps

Deleting an app removes it entirely from your Jotform environment. Users won’t be able to access it anymore. But, you can still access the forms and submissions sent through the deleted App. Here’s how to do it:

  1. On your My Workspace page, click on Type at the top and in the Dropdown menu that opens, uncheck the boxes next to all the assets except Apps, so only they’ll be shown on the page.
Workspace page displaying various asset types with a dropdown filter to show only Apps in Jotform
  1. Hover your mouse over the app and click on More on the right side of the screen.
  2. In the Dropdown menu that opens up, click on Move to Trash.
Dropdown menu with the option to move the app to trash in Jotform

As an alternative, you can also click on Move to Trash in the menu at the top of the page.

Top menu with the option to move the app to trash in Jotform
  1. In the Confirmation window that opens up, click on Delete App.
Confirmation window with a 'Delete App' button in Jotform


Deleted apps are stored in the Trash for up to 30 days. After this, they’re permanently removed from Jotform’s servers and can’t be restored.

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