How to Create an Invoice with Jotform’s QuickBooks Integration

January 11, 2024

If you use Jotform for order forms and want to automate the creation of invoices in QuickBooks, then keep on reading because this is the guide for you.

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There are a couple things to keep in mind before you create an invoice and integrate Jotform with QuickBooks:

  • Product or service items should be created at QuickBooks by the user with the exactly same names listed on the users’ Jotform forms.
  • If your form is already connected to a payment gateway, and your form filler uses it to pay for a product or service, you will need to manually mark it as paid in QuickBooks. 
  • If your based outside the U.S., make sure to define taxes, such as VAT, Tax, and GST rates before you create an invoice and integrate with QuickBooks. 
    • Define Sales VAT in the United Kingdom
    • Define GST in Australia
    • Define Sales Tax Rate in Canada
    • Define Sales Tax Rate in India

Now, let’s check out how to successfully integrate Jotform and QuickBooks:

  1. In the QuickBooks integration screen, click Create Invoice. Then click Next.
Instructional screenshot of Jotform's Quickbooks Integration screen with an arrow pointing to the Create Invoice radio button and the Next button

If you’re integrating with QuickBooks for the first time, you’ll be taken to QuickBooks’ authentication page to log into your account.

  1. If you’re already logged in, click Add Action.
Instructional screenshot of the Quickbooks login screen with and arrow pointing to the Add Action button
  1. If you’re using the My Products element, match your items to the QuickBooks items and click Save.
    If you’re creating an invoice for a repeat customer, make sure the Customer Display Name in QuickBooks matches the Full name in Jotform, or else QuickBooks will automatically create a new customer.
Instructional screenshot of My Product element's line items with an arrow pointing to the Save button

If you listed your products using the Single Choice, Dropdown, or Multiple Choice elements, the inventory creation process is going to be a little different. 

Single Choice, Dropdown, or Multiple Choice Elements

You can use a single choice, dropdown or multiple choice element to integrate your inventory with QuickBooks invoice program. Just like the product list element, you have to use the line item mapper to match the products with QuickBooks. 

But they’re going to be a little different than the Product List element:

  1. Before you start the integration, open the Element Properties menu, go to the Options tab, and turn on Calculation Values. Don’t forget to add prices for each value.
Instructional screenshot of the Dropdown Properties menu with an arrow pointing to the Calculation Values switch
  1. Match the fields in your form to the fields in QuickBooks. Click Save.
Instructional screenshot of the Dropdown menu element's line items with an arrow pointing to the Save button

Note: You can only use one quantity per line item if you’re using single choice, multiple choice or dropdown elements. Alternatively, you can add an extra field to specify the quantity and map to that when you’re integrating.

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