How to Obtain PayPal API Credentials

December 6, 2023

PayPal API credentials (Username, Password, and Signature) are necessary if you want to integrate your forms with PayPal Pro. These are separate details from your PayPal login information.

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PayPal Pro is available to Premium or Business type PayPal accounts. You may be able to view API credentials with a Personal type account, but the integration will not work with it. 

Here’s how to obtain Paypal API credentials for your account:

  1. Log in to PayPal.
  2. Navigate to the following: 
    • Account Settings
    • Account Access
    • Click the Update link from the API Access section.
  1. Scroll down to the Custom checkout experience section.
  2. Click the Manage API credentials link under NVP/SOAP API integration (Classic) option:
  1. If you haven’t set this up before, PayPal will prompt you to request the API Credentials. Choose the Request API signature from the list of options.
  2. Click the Agree and Submit button.
  1. Click the Show link for each key to copy them.
  1. Finally, click the Done button.

You will have to remove existing credentials if you want to generate a new one. We, however, do not recommend removing this if you have existing integrations that use the credentials. We highly recommend that you keep your API credentials safe for future reference.

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