Notification Emails: I do not receive notification emails

  • exeit42
    Demandé le 23 août 2024 à 05:30

    Bonjour, nous n'avons pas à recevoir les emails de notifications lorsque le formulaire "Demande de bon Chronopost AF" est rempli par une personne.

    Pourtant nous avons suivi les procédures habituelles, mais rien ne fonctionne.

    Dans l'attente de votre réponse,


  • Andreas Jotform Support
    Répondu le 23 août 2024 à 10:28

    Hi exeit42,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. According to your email log, all submission email have been sent to the email Can you check your spam/junk folder? Also, it could be possible your email provider is blocking Jotform emails. Can you add the email to your contact list, and also whitelist following emails:

    I suggest contacting your email provider or email admin to check if Jotform emails gets blocked on the server side directly. Here you can find Jotform IP Addresses and Domains for whitelisting. If your email provider is unable to whitelist Jotform emails and IPs, I recommend using your own SMTP for sending notification emails. Let me show you how:

    1. Click on your Profile Picture at the top right.
    2. Select Setting from the appearing menu.
    3. Click on the + Add Sender Email button.

    Notification Emails: I do not receive notification emails Image 1 Screenshot 40 Screenshot 20 Screenshot 204. Enter the SMTP details.
    5. Click the Send Test Email button.
    6. If everything works as expected, click the Save Email button. If not, correct the details.

    Notification Emails: I do not receive notification emails Image 2 Screenshot 51 Screenshot 31 Screenshot 31When you are using Gmail as SMTP host, you'll need to create a Gmail app-specific password. Allow me to explain to you how:

    1. Go to Google App Security and sign in to your account.
    2. Choose Mail from the list of available apps.
    3. Choose Other from the device list.
    4. Enter your Custom Name. You can put “Jotform” in it.
    5. Click the Generate button.
    5. Copy and Save the password to your computer.
    6. Click the Done button, and that’s it.

    Notification Emails: I do not receive notification emails Image 1 Screenshot 42 We also have a guide about How to Set up SMTP for a Form and How to Use Your Gmail Account as Your Email Sender via SMTP that you can check out.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.