10 unique video marketing ideas for your business

Video marketing is fun but challenging. There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into creating even short videos. Writing the script, shooting, and editing are all hard work, but often the toughest challenge is coming up with a steady stream of interesting ideas in the first place.

Whether you’re just getting started or are looking for inspiration, the 10 video marketing ideas below work for all types of businesses.

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  1. Use your company’s newsletters

  2. Many companies (including ours, Jotform) already produce monthly or quarterly email newsletters for their customers. Chad Reid, Jotform’s vice president of marketing and communications, uses newsletters to share product updates and other happenings.

    “Whatever’s new with our company, we condense into a one-minute video that we include within the email newsletter, and also share on YouTube and other social media channels,” Reid says. “People digest information in different ways, so this is a great way to promote what’s new with JotForm.”

  3. Involve your customers

  4. Reid is a big believer in customer case study videos. Jotform has produced about two dozen of them so far. “A customer telling the camera how awesome your product is, is far more effective than you doing it yourself. It provides powerful social proof,” he says.

  5. Share tips

  6. Reid cites “tip videos” as effective marketing tools. If your product has a learning curve, create a series of short videos focused on the various features and capabilities of the product. These videos seldom need to be longer than a minute, which makes them easily consumable for anyone scrolling down their feed.

  7. Be educational

  8. Damien Martin, marketing executive at Shufti Pro, recommends tutorial videos. These educational videos tend to be a little longer than tip videos because of their more detailed instructions.

    “Think of these as short how-to guides that walk a customer through a specific process,” Martin says. “Making the videos concise and useful will keep customers engaged until the end.”

  9. Probe your industry

  10. Staying current with your industry is a good way to find video marketing ideas. Martin recommends focusing on an industry topic relative to your product or service without overtly pitching your product. “This will address pain points felt by customers, and help you emerge as an authority in your industry,” Martine says.

  11. Take people behind the scenes

  12. Even in business, people enjoy a peek behind the scenes. Video is the best way to interest your customers in the process of developing new products or a complex service. Osama Khabab, founder of MotionCue Digital Media, recommends making videos focused on product features and novel parts of their production.

    “This approach gives your customers the opportunity to better understand what it takes to make the products they use, and helps them connect with you and your brand,” Khabab says.

  13. Hit the streets

  14. “Interviewing random people on the street can be a very good video marketing idea,” says Gregory Golinski, head of digital marketing at YourParkingSpace. It’s an inexpensive marketing tactic, since you only need a camcorder or your smartphone.” Just get out there and ask questions related to your industry,” he says.

    Golinski explains that the trick is to shoot a video that will touch viewers’ emotions. Ask questions to elicit answers that are funny, cute, or even a bit risque. Once you’re done, share your video on YouTube and other social channels. “Your goal is to get as many shares as possible,” Golanski says.

  15. Showcase your company culture

  16. Company culture videos give prospective employees a glimpse of what working for your company is like. Showcase your office environment with an intro by you or a senior leader, then let your employees tell their story.

    “These types of videos help you attract the best talent and make people more motivated to work for you,” explains Henry McIntosh, director at Twenty One Twelve Marketing.

  17. Have your customers do the work

  18. What’s a fun way to generate buzz for a product launch? Invite your customers to create videos that you can share. Tim Parkin, president of Parkin Consulting, says a great way to do this is by running a contest to reward users who submit videos.

    For example, you can ask customers to review products or demonstrate how they use your products. “Getting customers involved this way adds credibility through social proof, while also providing a more authentic and relatable perspective,” Parkin says.

  19. Go live

  20. Whatever topic you want to cover, Parkin suggests trying it live because consumers today value transparency and authenticity. Live video allows consumers and brands to engage, connect, and interact in an unprecedented manner.

    “Brands that leverage live video are able to better connect with their audience and boost engagement, while simultaneously building credibility and loyalty,” Parkin says.

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