3 popup form examples to try on your website

Visitors to your site don’t always know where to find all the important features you’ve laid out for them. Sometimes, you need to direct them where you want them to go. In those moments, it can be helpful to have a popup ready with useful information, links, and maybe even a special offer or two.

The thing is, users are pretty familiar with popups, and they’re not always a welcome part of the online experience. That’s why you need to make sure your popups are engaging, creative, and, most of all, useful to your visitors.

If you’re unsure of how exactly to make effective popups for your website, here are some website popup form examples that will help you get a handle on what you need to do.

The purpose of popups

There are many ways that popups can be helpful. Namely, they provide a way to curate visitors’ experience with your site in a way that can benefit them and your business.

For example, you can set a popup to activate when a visitor signs up to your email or newsletter list. It might suggest they go to your social media channels to follow those pages as well.

Your popup can serve visitors by letting them easily sign up to be more involved with your business or organization without looking elsewhere on your site, while you get access to their contact information for marketing purposes. By directing them to a signup option automatically, you make it easier for your visitors to share their information, and you’ll have it for your records.

Popups can also

  • Link to surveys or other content that might be relevant to your visitors’ activity
  • Address problems before they happen (e.g., by answering a common question or concern)
  • Provide deal or offer codes that may encourage customers to make a purchase

Popup form examples

It might help to understand what a good popup looks like before you start creating your own. When it comes to graphic design, use your organization’s branding and color palette — something that visually tells your visitors they’re in the right place.

In terms of the information you should include in your popup, here are some popup form examples that might give you some ideas.

Example 1

The classics are classics for a reason. One of the most common popup forms on the internet is the email sign-up popup. Ideally, this popup will only activate for new visitors or visitors who have yet to sign up to your email list.

Stay on top of the latest news

Sign up for our newsletter today and get access to special offers and early-bird release dates.

[text box for customer email]

[link to subscribe]

Example 2

Maybe, instead of sending out more newsletters, you want to encourage customers to purchase your product by offering a discount code. With this incentive, you can even get away with a second popup, allowing your visitors to engage further with your business or organization, and getting more of their contact information in the process. Here’s how that might look.

Popup form example 1

Want 15% off your order today?

Sign up to receive email updates, and you’ll get access to this and many other deals as a valued customer.

[text box for customer email]

[link to subscribe]

Popup form example 2

Next steps

Now that you’ve signed up for our email updates, are you ready for more discounts?

Sign up for SMS promotions and get the latest offers sent right to your phone.

[text box for customer phone number]

[link to subscribe]

Example 3

Reminding customers to close out their carts before they leave your site is a great way to capture business that you might otherwise lose. It’s a good idea to keep these popups non-confrontational, though — you don’t want your customers to get the impression you’re pressuring them to buy.

Forget something?

That’s OK, it happens to us too! Don’t worry, we’ve kept your cart just the way you left it.

[description of items in the cart]

[link directing customer back to the cart]

Help with creating popups

Don’t worry about getting popups right the very first time you try them, though. The best way to find the right approach is through continuous testing. Thankfully, services like online form builder Jotform can help you quickly create and implement popup forms for your visitors without starting from scratch each time.

You can even use Jotform’s free popup form generator to create interesting and effective popups for your website without any coding. There are more than 10,000 popup form examples and templates available for you to choose from. All you have to do is embed the code into your website, and the popup will start directing traffic the way it’s intended to.

While you may be hesitant to add popups to your site, they don’t have to be a nuisance to your website visitors. Popups can actually benefit both them and you. Use these popup form examples as inspiration to create the best ones for your site.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

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