How to collect feedback that comes in via Slack

Slack is a powerful communication tool for collaborating on projects, sharing relevant data, and staying in touch with colleagues. Power users also use Slack to manage emails and collect feedback.

Collecting feedback through Slack is ideal because the platform makes sharing files and quick thoughts easy for everyone on your team. You can also leverage its features to keep feedback organized. So how can you use Slack to collect feedback?

See how a dog bed maker leveraged Jotform and Slack to gather valuable feedback with video reviews. Learn from their experience to enhance your own polling and feedback strategies.

Best practices for collecting feedback with Slack

Feedback is useless if you can’t find it, which is why collecting and organizing your data should be a priority. When you’re gathering data within Slack, following a few best practices will ensure that your feedback data is easy to find.

  • Create a dedicated project channel. If you try to collect feedback in a general discussion channel, it will be harder to keep the discussion focused and to find relevant responses. 
  • Share relevant information. Your team’s feedback will be more useful and accurate if they have all the information they need in one place. Upload files, share links, and connect to your cloud service to ensure your team has access to relevant data.
  • Ask colleagues for feedback directly. Getting feedback is faster when your team knows what you expect from them. Mention people directly and use examples to help them understand what you need.
  • Keep feedback organized. Another way to keep data organized is to keep feedback discussions in their own threads. Even within projects, specific questions may pop up that require input from several parties. Creating a thread for these discussions will keep things tidy.
  • Make final decisions transparent. Let your team know the final results of your discussions by posting decisions to the project or thread you’re working from. Transparency will keep everyone on the same page.

These tips will help you gather feedback in Slack like a pro. But you can take your data collection a step further by incorporating forms into the process.

Connect Jotform and Slack to collect feedback more efficiently

Even with Slack’s powerful features, it can still be a challenge to organize and analyze the feedback you receive from your team — especially if you have a big team. You can address this by connecting Jotform with Slack through Zapier.

How to collect feedback that comes in via Slack Image-1

This integration will allow Slack to automatically treat each response in your feedback channel as a form submission in Jotform, instantly uploading feedback to an organized database. Let’s look at how you’d set up this integration.

  1. First, make sure that you have both a Jotform account and a Slack account.
  2. Then navigate to the Jotform + Slack integration page on Zapier.
  3. Next, confirm the action in Slack that will trigger the automation. In this case, the action would be a new message posted to a specific channel.
  4. Then you’ll choose the resulting action, which would be to create a new submission in a Jotform form.
  5. Finally, you’ll choose the data you want to send and then test and save the automation. And you’re done!

It only takes a few steps to connect Jotform and Slack. The result is a powerful automation that allows you to instantly record and organize feedback in a digestible format. You can view, search, and organize all the responses in Jotform Tables, Jotform’s powerful spreadsheet-database tool.

You can also adjust the Zapier integration to your needs. For example, you can trigger the automation with a message to a private channel or a specific mention. Tweak it to your needs and make your software work for you.

Collect feedback like a pro

Sometimes you’ll need a more formal process for collecting feedback, especially when you need to get it from people who aren’t in your Slack channel. Jotform has over 1,000 templates for surveys, questionnaires, and feedback forms that you can send to your team, clients, and prospects. And if you can’t find a template that fits your needs, you can create a form from scratch.

It’s easy to send your forms via a link in an email or text, or you can embed them directly into your website. By using Jotform to collect your data, you’ll have access to a database that helps you extract insights faster than ever. Try Jotform today and start collecting feedback like a pro.

Jotform's Editorial Team is a group of dedicated professionals committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to Jotform blog readers. Our team's expertise spans a wide range of topics, from industry-specific subjects like managing summer camps and educational institutions to essential skills in surveys, data collection methods, and document management. We also provide curated recommendations on the best software tools and resources to help streamline your workflow.

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