65+ e-commerce survey questions for valuable business insights

Increasing cart value, expanding the customer base, standing out from the competition — these are just some of the goals e-commerce businesses are trying to accomplish. Of course, it gets easier to achieve all of that once you figure out what your customers want.

While we can’t offer you a solution in the form of telepathy, we can offer you the next best idea: an e-commerce survey. What better way to get inside the minds of your customers than asking them exactly what they want from your business?

Below, we offer up 65-plus e-commerce survey questions on a variety of topics. Before you start choosing questions, though, let’s take a closer look at how e-commerce surveys can help your business and how the goals you define for your survey will help you choose the right questions.

The benefits of effective e-commerce surveys 

E-commerce surveys provide businesses with an effective way to gain customer insights straight from the source. Effective e-commerce surveys can help businesses gather valuable feedback, including

  • What customers love about your e-commerce site, products, user experience, and more
  • What aspects of the buying experience customers find challenging
  • How customers feel about product selection and pricing
  • How easy it is for customers to complete the buying process
  • How loyal customers are to your brand
  • What customers think about shipping fees and delivery schedules

General e-commerce survey questions

These questions provide you with information on how customers feel about your e-commerce business in general. They’re useful for gauging customer sentiment at a high level.

  1. How would you rate your experience with our business today?
  2. How well did we cater to your needs?
  3. If you could change one thing about your experience today, what would it be?
  4. Based on your overall experience today, how likely are you to recommend us to others?

Product-related survey questions

Questions about specific products and product lines provide insights that can help you improve features and functionality.

  1. What do you like most about our product?
  2. What do you like least about our product?
  3. If you could change one thing about our product, what would it be?
  4. How often do you use our product?
  5. How likely are you to use this product versus a competitor’s product?
  6. How does our product compare to a competitor’s product?
  7. What is your favorite feature about this product?
  8. What is your least favorite feature about this product?
  9. Have you purchased a similar product before?
  10. Does this product meet all your needs?
  11. How would you rate the price point for this product?
  12. What other products would you like to see in our online store?

Website usability e-commerce survey questions

To improve the buying experience on your website, find out how customers feel when browsing and buying by asking these questions.

  1. How easy was it to complete your order on our website?
  2. Was it easy to find what you were looking for on our website?
  3. How easy is it to navigate our website?
  4. How do you like our mobile experience?
  5. How would you rate the online checkout process?
  6. Did you feel that your payment transaction was safe and secure?
  7. Did we offer the payment options you like to use?
  8. What is one thing you would like to change about our online store?
  9. What do you love most about our online store?

Pre-purchase questions

Learning more about your customers’ motivations and behavior helps you understand their needs even before they begin the buying process.

  1. How did you learn about our online store?
  2. Have you ever shopped with us before?
  3. Why did you come to our website today?
  4. What was your first impression of our online store?
  5. Did we meet your expectations?
  6. Who are you shopping for today?

Post-purchase questions

Ask customers these questions after they check out to learn how they felt about the purchasing process.

  1. Did we offer your preferred payment method?
  2. Was the product you wanted in stock?
  3. Did we offer you alternate options if your product was not in stock?
  4. Would you consider purchasing from us again?
  5. Overall, how did you like the purchasing experience from beginning to end?
  6. What is one way we can improve your purchasing experience next time?
  7. What is one thing we should continue to do?

Shipping, delivery, and customer support questions

Getting products to customers and troubleshooting issues are essential tasks for a successful e-commerce business. These questions help you gauge whether you’re meeting customer expectations in this area.

  1. Did the product arrive on time?
  2. Did the product arrive in the condition you expected?
  3. Did you find the shipping costs to be reasonable?
  4. How would you rate the quality of our packaging?
  5. How can we exceed your shipping and delivery expectations?
  6. How would you rate your customer support experience?
  7. Did our customer support team answer your questions?
  8. Did you have any unanswered questions after speaking with our customer support team?

Brand-related e-commerce survey questions

Where does your brand stand compared to competitors? You can use this information to understand how customers perceive your brand and how to build brand recognition.

  1. What comes to mind when you think of our brand?
  2. How would you describe our brand in five words?
  3. Why did you choose our brand over a competitor’s?
  4. How would you describe our brand to a friend?
  5. How would you feel if our brand disappeared?

Purchase behavior questions

Why do customers do what they do? These questions delve into the patterns and preferences of your customers so you can better predict their behavior.

  1. How often do you shop with us?
  2. How often do you shop online?
  3. How much do you typically spend on our online store?
  4. What is your preferred payment option?
  5. Are you more likely to purchase a product if it is on sale?
  6. What is the main thing that stops you from making a purchase on our website?

Customer review survey questions

Online reviews are a major part of the e-commerce industry. These questions help you determine how much attention your customers pay to reviews so you can decide whether that’s another area you need to focus on.

  1. Did you read customer reviews before making your purchase?
  2. How much value do you place on customer reviews?
  3. Have you left any customer reviews for our business?
  4. Does the overall review rating for a business affect your purchasing decision?
  5. Do customer reviews for specific products affect your purchasing decision?

Marketing questions

These questions help you level up your marketing efforts so you can continue to nurture your customers through different channels. 

  1. Would you like to sign up for our email newsletter?
  2. Would you like to sign up for a product subscription?
  3. Do you follow us on social media?
  4. Would you like to create a member account?
  5. Would you like to save your order preferences in your account?

Tips for crafting effective e-commerce surveys

The success of a survey largely depends on the strength and clarity of the questions you ask, along with the accessibility or the survey itself. With that in mind, here are some pointers to help you out as you develop questions.

  • Write e-commerce survey questions in plain language and ensure they’re easy to understand at first glance. 
  • The survey itself should be short and to the point, focusing on just one or two aspects of the buying experience at a time so as not to overwhelm customers.
  • Post the surveys on your e-commerce site
  • Send the survey link to customers via email or SMS.
  • Use a QR code that links to the online survey. You can call attention to the code by displaying it prominently on printed materials, such as delivery manifests or receipts.

E-commerce survey questions that provide the insight you’re looking for   

You can get a lot of valuable insight from an e-commerce survey, from how customers decide to purchase from you to what they think about your shipping fees. You can ask a mix of open-ended and closed-ended questions to get a variety of feedback, depending on your needs.

Consider your main goal for the survey, select the questions that will help you reach that goal, and you’ll be on your way to learning what goes on in the minds of your customers.

Jotform: The ideal way to create, distribute, and gain insight from e-commerce surveys

Jotform is an online survey-maker that’s ideal for e-commerce surveys. Use one of our many e-commerce templates to create your own e-commerce survey, drop in the e-commerce survey questions you want to use, and customize the look of the survey to match your needs exactly. 

When you’re ready to share the survey with your audience, you have many options with Jotform: Place it on your e-commerce website, send the link to customers via email, or link it up to a QR code and place it on marketing materials.

Jotform not only helps you create and share your e-commerce surveys, but it also has tools to help you make sense of all the data you collect. Use Jotform Tables to see and track your responses. Then you can easily turn your data into visual reports with Jotform Report Builder.

Plus, Jotform has many other tools that come in handy when running an e-commerce store, such as payment processor integrations, online signature tools, and automated workflow solutions.

With Jotform, you can understand exactly what your customers want so you can reach your goals and help them reach theirs.

Photo by RDNE Stock project

Jotform's Editorial Team is a group of dedicated professionals committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to Jotform blog readers. Our team's expertise spans a wide range of topics, from industry-specific subjects like managing summer camps and educational institutions to essential skills in surveys, data collection methods, and document management. We also provide curated recommendations on the best software tools and resources to help streamline your workflow.

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