How to make better logic forms

How to make better logic forms

Forms can look unnecessarily daunting if they’re too muddled with irrelevant form fields. There’s only so many times a form visitor will click “N/A” before they may get frustrated and give up on the form. There’s an easy solution: use conditional logic for cleaner forms which will improve the user experience and get you more conversions on your forms.

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Pro Tip

Automate your workflows by adding conditional logic to your forms with Jotform.

Jotform’s Conditions Wizard allows you to configure your form to show or hide form fields, sections, or pages based on user selections. This allows you to easily control what information your form visitor is asked to provide and tailor the form specifically to their needs.

This feature also allows you to make certain questions required, skip to a page, and change the “thank you” page that a user is shown based on their answers to your form.

Here’s an example.

1. Create your form with all of the form fields that you need.

How to make better logic forms Image-1

2. Under the “Settings” tab above your form, select the “Conditions” button.

Screenshot of Settings Tab Clicking on Conditions Button

3. In this example, the first and most important question for the dog walker application is “do you love dogs?” If the answer is no, then the company is not interested in hiring that person. So, there’s no need for an ineligible applicant to fill out the form field “What days this month are you available?” Make sure that this question isn’t shown to the people answering “no” to the first question by creating that setting in the Conditions Wizard.

online form conditions

4. Set up 2 different “Thank You” pages that are shown to the form visitor after they press the submit button. This is what you would set the condition to if you want to show the non-dog lovers the thank you page that says that they’re not eligible.

conditional logic on online forms

This is what you would set the Conditions Wizard to in order to let the dog lovers know that there will be a next step.

How to make better logic forms Image-2

5. You can add as many conditions as you want! Tens, dozens, hundreds- however many strikes your fancy. Here are the 4 examples that this form used.

How to make better logic forms Image-3


Design your forms with the Form Designer. Upload images, and customize fonts, color schemes, and more.


An avid writer, she has contributed to sites including Entrepreneur and Social Media Today. A Bostonian and University of Miami alum, she loves traveling, trying new foods, and drawing & crafting.

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