Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field?

  • megan.m.cottrell
    Asked on February 13, 2025 at 9:33 AM

    Hi there -

    I am trying to set up a workflow for our homeschool program registration. Some of our students need to choose elective courses, but the elective courses have limits for class sizes. I am using an inventory widget to regulate class sizes, but realized that I had to have only one form for that, because each inventory widget is individual. To do that, I created one elective registration form, with the intention of creating a workflow that would send the form to the students who needed it.

    Here is my current workflow:

    The workflow takes information from a hidden part of the registration form and then sends the form via email, pre-populated with that student's name.

    The problem is, some people are registering multiple students, so need to receive the form several times. I intended the workflow to have several conditional branches. I set up the first branch above, got it to work, and then when I went to set up a second branch, I realized it wouldn't let me use the same form within one workflow :(

    Then I thought "I'll build a separate workflow for each student," but I realized that I can only use a form in one workflow.

    Any thoughts on how I can work around this? It's a super important part of the registration process, and we really need it to be automated. My only other thought is to set up an integration with MailerLite and set up an automation, but I'm not sure if that would work either.

    Thank you for any ideas and wisdom you can offer!

  • Royce JotForm Support
    Replied on February 13, 2025 at 10:07 AM

    Hi Megan,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I’ll need a bit of time to look into this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

    Meanwhile, let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Royce JotForm Support
    Replied on February 13, 2025 at 2:34 PM

    Hi Megan,

    Although it isn't possible to use the same form on Form field in Workflow Builder. As a workaround, you can add the Email element to your workflow and add your preferred form link on Email field on your workflow. You can clone my demo form, or you can do it on your end. Let me show you how to do it:

    1. In Form Builder, click on Settings on the orange navigation bar.
    2. Click on the Workflow tab on the left part of the screen.
    3. Click on the Pencil icon on your workflow on Workflows field.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 1 Screenshot 120

    4. In Workflow Builder, click on Add Element on the Trash Can icon on the second Form field.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 2 Screenshot 131

    5. Click on Confirm on the lower-right part of the Delete Form modal.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 3 Screenshot 142

    6. Click on Add Element on the upper-left part of the screen.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 4 Screenshot 153

    7. Drag and drop the Email element to Add Element Here field.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 5 Screenshot 164

    8. Click on the Envelope icon on Email field.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 6 Screenshot 175

    9. Type your preferred label on Email Subject field.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 7 Screenshot 186

    10. Scroll down, customize the email body on Email Content field.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 8 Screenshot 197

    11. Highlight the word where you want to put the form link on Email Content field.
    12. Click on the Hyperlink icon next to the Image icon on Email Content field.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 9 Screenshot 208

    13. Input your preferred form link on URL field on the Insert Link modal.
    14. Click on Ok on the lower-right part of the Insert Link modal.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 10 Screenshot 219

    15. Click on Save on the lower-right part of the Email Properties modal.

    Workflow: How can I send the same form on different Conditional Branch fields using Email field? Image 11 Screenshot 2210

    That's it. You can follow the steps above if you want to add more forms using Email field.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • megan.m.cottrell
    Replied on February 13, 2025 at 2:43 PM

    Royce, you are a genius, thank you so much.

    Question for you: If I do it this way, is it still possible to have the form prepopulate the student's name?

    If not, I think I can work around that. I'll just have the parent enter their name, and that should be fine. I was trying to make it clear to the parent who they had to fill out an electives form for. Some parents might be registering kids of different ages who are in different programs, some of which don't need electives. I think I could make that clear by putting the student's name in the email, like have the subject say, "Please choose electives for (student name)."

    If you have any ideas, let me know. I really really appreciate your help!

  • Allan Brian JotForm Support
    Replied on February 13, 2025 at 6:05 PM

    Hi Megan,

    You can use the Prefill feature on Workflow builder to pre-populate the fields. You can check out the guide here.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any other help.

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