Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections?

  • WallaWallaChoralSociety
    Asked on August 29, 2024 at 8:29 PM

    I am using Gift Register to track the registrations of our singers. The screenshot shows this, labeled Vocal Range, and it is a required field when signing up. The actual values in the table are the result of multiple trials using "Fill Form" in “Preview Form”.

    I need to reset the quantities for all four vocal ranges, but the fix that Jomel sent me this morning does not work: "" target="_blank"></a>

    The quantities are shown in the “Items” list on the right of the screenshot. When I click on “Update Widget” the quantities in the Vocal Range section of the form do not change and the “Update Widget” button disappears. It seems that the actual quantities are being stored someplace and are not being overridden by the update attempt.

    Thus, I have two questions:

    1)    How do I actually update the quantities?

    2)    How do I set up the widget so only one vocal range can be selected per registration? A singer must not be permitted to select more than one vocal range. Using “Fill Form” I checked all four vocal ranges during one of my trials and all four were accepted. The registration table confirms that as does the email I received:

    Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    2024 - 2025 Concert Season WWCS Member Registration

    Full Name

    textbox_sample0 textbox_sample1



    City: San Francisco

    State: CA

    Zip Code: 94111

    Phone Number

    (312) 312

    Vocal Range





    Thank you for your detailed reply.

    Chuck Templeton

    Walla Walla Choral Society

    The link to the form is at:

    Jotform Thread 18490111 Screenshot
  • Joseph JotForm Support
    Replied on August 30, 2024 at 2:20 AM

    Hi Chuck, 

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform support. I've cloned and tested your form and I was able to see the issue.

    As for your first question about how to update the widget quantities, note that by editing the widget quantities in the menu, the entries that have been already selected are counted anyway. Also, the entries in the trash count as well. If you want to update them, you have to delete the trashed entries or sum the number of those already submitted. Let me show you an example:

    1. In my widget, 'Soprano' has a max number of 20.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 1 Screenshot 90
    2. I submit 2 submissions with 'Soprano'. The available number is now 18.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 2 Screenshot 101
    3. Now, to display again 20 available 'Soprano', you can update the widgets quantity to 22.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 3 Screenshot 112

    Alternatively, you have to delete the entries in Tables and purge them. Here's how to do it:

    1. In Tables, click on the three dots next to the tab name and select Trashed Entries.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 4 Screenshot 123
    2. Select them and click on Delete Forever.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 5 Screenshot 134
    3. The widget count will automatically update.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 6 Screenshot 145

    That's it! You can check out this guide about How to Delete Form Submission Data.

    As for your second question about how to limit the selection in the widget it's easy. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, click on the Wand icon next to the widget.
    2. In the Max Selection area, insert the number of the max entries that can be selected by the form fillers.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 7 Screenshot 156

    Now, the selection is limited to the number indicated in the widget. Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 8 Screenshot 167

    Let us know if you need any other help.

  • WallaWallaChoralSociety
    Replied on September 3, 2024 at 6:52 PM

    Sep. 3, Following up on this thread: The code will not work correctly in Squarespace. Here is the help request I sent to Squarespace yesterday:

    For our Walla Walla Choral Society website I have created a form in Jotform which allows our singers to register and pay dues. The link to that form is:

    On our site I have created a duplicate page of the "Membership" page, have put in the Not Linked section, and have disabled it so the public can't see this work in progress. I use the instructions from Jotform entitled "How to add a contact form in Squarespace" (Screenshot #1). But when I do that I end up with what is shown in Screenshot #2 with that little block with "Hello World" in it. At this point I am stuck, not knowing how to proceed.

    BTW, the warning message in Screenshot #2 about registration is linked to an earlier Jotform contact form. I need to replace that with the current form.

    Since the No Linked page is disabled, is that causing problems?

    Basically, I need a step-by-step instruction set to help me through this process. Thank you for your assistance. Chuck


    Here is the answer from Squarespace support:

    Juan H. (Squarespace) 

    Sep 3, 2024, 6:23 PM EDT 

    Hello Chuck,

    Thank you for contacting Squarespace support. My name is Juan and I am a Customer Support Advisor. 

     I really appreciate the details you shared. From what I've gathered so far, it looks like you added the code correctly. From what I can see, it looks like the issue here is related to the Jotform code itself. The Squarespace page being disabled shouldn't cause an issue with the Code block.

    I recommend reaching out to their support and request that they further assist you with this. 

    You can reach their support here:

    I do want to share that creating and troubleshooting code falls outside our scope of support, so we are not able to pin-point why a code does not work as expected. 

    While we can’t help out with this further, I’d recommend consulting the Squarespace Forum community for guidance:

    The Squarespace Forum is an online community of Squarespace users who help each other with more complex, code-related solutions. If you can't find an existing post that answers your question exactly, I'd recommend creating an account and posting your question. 

     We have a great guide for adding code: 

    If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reply to this email or contact us on live chat. 


    Juan H.


    So I am back to you Jotform folks for assistance. Please see the screenshots. We must solve this problem prior to Sunday, Sep. 8, when the Membership page goes live. Thanks.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 1 Screenshot 30 Screenshot 10s please.Gift Registry: how to update the quantities and limit the selections? Image 2 Screenshot 41 Screenshot 21

  • Victorino_S JotForm Support
    Replied on September 3, 2024 at 10:59 PM

    Hi Chuck, 

    As for your other question, I've moved that to a new thread. You can check that out here.

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