Delanie MartinAsked on May 20, 2019 at 9:59 AM
Hey, I have a google form that I use at work. It's a survey like form where I ask employee information and their evaluation. I want to embed this google form to my company website, which is built with wordpress. I need your help in this guys. How am I gonna embed this google form in a wordpress ? Is it possible in jotform to do the same thing?
sevenReplied on May 23, 2019 at 11:41 AM
You can copy the code provided by Google Forms for your form and paste it to the text area in Wordpress. Jotform supports embedding forms to websites built with Wordpress on top of other advanced features that are not available in Google Forms like conditional logics. Through Jotform, you can embed your forms into your websites by obtaining the code when you click on "Publish". We also offer specific codes for different platforms such as Wordpress.com, Wordpress.org, Blogger, etc.
Contrary to Google Forms features, we also offer conditional logics that may come in handy when creating survey or questionnaire forms. What you can do with conditional logics is that you can show or hide a particular field depending on previous answers. This is especially important when you have questions that are related for particular individuals. For instance, you can hide certain questions in the evaluation form for those who have spent less than 5 years in the company. So, you can get more healthy information on the subject.
Overall, Jotform is an excellent option to collect data with its ready-to-use and case-specific form templates, the availability of third party share options like Wordpress or Blogger, and conditional logic feature. You can visit our page to see why Jotform is the best Google Forms alternative.
If you want to use one of our form templates and embed it into a Wordpress, please follow these steps.
1- Go to form templates page and select a category. "Surveys" and "Evaluation Forms" would be fine for your case.
2- Select a form related to your topic and click on "Use Template".
3- Depending on the previous responses, you can show or hide particular fields from "Conditions" tab.
4- Once you're done with the form and ready to share it, click on "Publish" and select "Platforms" from the right tab.
5- You can find embed codes for each third party platforms here. Depending on the platform, click on "Wordpress.com" or "Wordpress.org". Copy the code and paste it to text area in the Wordpress.
I believe that would solve your problem. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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