Jotform Mobile Forms Media Assets

Images can be downloaded and used for editorial purposes only. All other uses are prohibited.

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Jotform Mobile Forms - Media

The Benefits of Jotform Mobile Forms

Collect data offline with powerful forms you can manage through your phone or tablet.

Coming on June 17

Work anywhere

Take your work wherever you go. Collect data, edit and share forms, and track submissions from your mobile device - even without internet access.

სურათის გადმოწერა

Get better data

Collect more accurate data with exclusive advanced form fields. Use kiosk mode to receive multiple submissions on your device during events.

სურათის გადმოწერა

Stay connected

Receive instant push notifications on your mobile device the moment someone responds to your form. Share forms and feedback with your team in just one click.

სურათის გადმოწერა

Speed up your workflow

Eliminate the need for paper and internet. Automate tedious manual tasks with responsive mobile forms that won’t slow you down.

სურათის გადმოწერა

გადმოწერეთ მედია აქტივები

Images can be downloaded and used for editorial purposes only. All other uses are prohibited.

Download Media Assets

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Download Press Kit

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For additional information, please contact us.

Coming on June 17