We're unable to login to our account.

  • Claudio Parini
    Domanda del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 05:11


    Non riesco più ad accedere all'account, ci dice che la password è errata.

    Account: marco.bruni@telonitravel.com

    Anche se reietto la password non ci arriva la mail con il link

    Rimango a disposizione


  • Waqas Jotform Support
    Risposta del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 06:20

    Hi Claudio,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Italian Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Italian, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. I'm unable to find any account associated with this email address:  marco.bruni@telonitravel.com. I checked your email address:claudio.parini@telonitravel.com and it appears that this email is associated with a guest account. Please keep in mind that the Guest account is a one-time login feature. It does not allow you to change your password or email address. You can create a new starter account here with the same email address. If you're not referring to this account, can you please share your email address or username so we can take a look at it?

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • Claudio Parini
    Risposta del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 06:24


    La ringrazio per la risposta. Io in genere accedo sempre con l'indirizzo marco.bruni@telonitravel.com ed inserisco la password. All'interno dell'account abbiamo anche un modello salvato con molte risposte.

    Sono riuscito ad accedere anche il 10 agosto, ma non so perchè ora mi da questo tipo di problema.

    Rimango in attesa di riscontro


  • Waqas Jotform Support
    Risposta del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 06:42

    Hi Claudio,

    Can you try to check if the email is correct? I'm unable to find any accounts. While we're sympathetic to your situation, we hope that you can appreciate that we have to be careful about giving people who are not in our system as registered customers/users access to existing accounts. This is especially the case if the data they would be given access to is highly sensitive, such as PHI.

    For us to verify that this is your account, could you please provide us with the information below that you used when signing up for your subscription:

    • The date you created the account:
    • The number of forms and submissions in the account:
    • The type of Credit Card used while upgrading the account:
    • The last four digits of the Credit Card:
    • The expiration date on the Credit Card:
    • Amount of the last charge:
    • Date of the last charge:

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward and help you get back into your account.

  • Claudio Parini
    Risposta del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 06:45

    Si tratta di un account aperto anni fa, non credo ci sia la carta di credito caricata. Possibile che sia un account gratuito?

  • Vincenzo Jotform Support
    Risposta del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 06:59

    Buongiorno Claudio,

    Ho controllato anche il l'indirizzo email marco.bruni@telonitravel.com nel nostro sistema e non ho potuto trovare un account associato a questa email. Se all'interno dell'account ha un modulo, le chiedo gentilmente di condividere con noi l'URL del modulo e proveremo a identificare il suo account partendo dal modulo.

    Restiamo a sua disposizione per ulteriori chiarimenti.

  • Claudio
    Risposta del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 08:17


    Certamente, questo è il link del modulo https://form.jotform.com/211652522885054

    Rimango in attesa di riscontro


  • Waqas Jotform Support
    Risposta del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 08:33

    Hi Claudio,

    The form you shared is associated with another email address i**o@**l**i**a**l.com. If you can recognize this email address you can log into your account using this email address, or you can reset your account password. Resetting your Jotform account password is easy to do. Let me walk you through it:

    1. Go to the Jotform Main Page and click on Login.

    Were unable to login to our account Screenshot 60

    2. On the login screen, click on Forgot Password.

    Were unable to login to our account Screenshot 71

    3. Enter your email address and then click on Send Reset Instructions.

    Were unable to login to our account Screenshot 82

    4. You'll get an email with instructions about how to reset your password. In the email, click on Reset Password.

    Were unable to login to our account Screenshot 93

    5. Enter your new password, enter it again to verify it, and then click on Create a New Password.

    Were unable to login to our account Screenshot 104

    There you go. Your new password is now set, and you can use it to log into your Jotform account.

    Reach out again if you need any other help.

  • Marco_Bruni
    Risposta del 20 agosto 2024 alle ore 08:51

    Perfetto, sono riuscito a resettare la password.

    Grazie mille

