Issue with pre-fill on embedded form.

  • Corda
    Domanda del 4 agosto 2024 alle ore 09:47

    Ciao mi aiutate a capire perchè non precompila i campi del form. Cosa sbaglio?

    Utilizzo questo codice per embeddare il form in una pagina web

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 


  • Silvano Jotform Support
    Risposta del 4 agosto 2024 alle ore 10:02

    Hi James,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'm a bit confused of your concern, are you having issues with Embedding the form to your webpage? Or are you having issues with prefilling form fields? Also, if you can share to us the link to the webpage where the form is embedded so we can look into it, as well as share some screenshot/screen recording of what's happening so we can better understand the issue.

    After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.

  • Corda
    Risposta del 4 agosto 2024 alle ore 11:29

    Thanks Silvano I understood what the problem is

