How to create a Google Form on a mobile device

Creating online forms is one of many tasks you may want to accomplish when you don’t have access to your laptop. The question is, can you do that?

It’s always easier to have a keyboard when you’re doing things like creating forms. For example, a smaller screen may make it more difficult to work on a long or complex form. But you may also wonder if it’s even possible to use a tool like Google Forms on a mobile device.

Looking for the best alternative to Google Forms?

Looking for the best alternative to Google Forms?

Jotform’s full-featured form-building solution is mobile-friendly and has the most integrations in the industry. Use it to collect payments, automate workflows, gather leads, and more.

Start From Scratch

Does Google Forms work on mobile?

The short answer is yes. Google is a big fan of what’s known as responsive web design.

If you’re not familiar with the term, responsive web design is a flexible website-building technique. It allows the layout, structure, and other design elements of a website to change in order to match the screen they’re contained in.

If you’re using a computer with a windowed browser like Chrome or Safari, you can see responsive design in action right now. If you resize the browser window, you’ll see images resize, text reposition, and elements change their location to fit the smaller screen.

Does Google Forms have a mobile app?

Unfortunately, Google Forms doesn’t offer a native mobile app for either iOS or Android. If you need a mobile app in Google Workspace, you can try the Mobile App Creator by Jotform.

There are a few standalone tools that may wrap the website as a mobile app, but Google doesn’t offer or support an official tool.

Does Google Forms offer mobile browser support?

In 2015, Google made a change to its search engine algorithm that ranks websites that aren’t mobile-friendly lower in search results. That’s where responsive web design comes in. It makes a website mobile-friendly without having to create a whole other website just for mobile users.

So, naturally, everything put out by Google is mobile-friendly. Google Forms is no exception.

How do you create a Google Form on mobile?

Let’s walk through the process of creating and editing a form from a mobile browser.

1. Create a form

First, open a web browser on your mobile device and go to Google Forms. Then tap Go to Forms.

You’ll then be asked to sign in to your Google account.

A screenshot of a mobile browser displaying the Google Forms homepage with two buttons, "Try Forms for Work" and "Go to Forms

If you do that from a browser on a computer, it will take you to a page that lets you choose whether you want to create a new form from scratch or from a template. It also gives you the option to open a form you’ve created before.

On a mobile device, however, opening Google Forms automatically creates a brand new form for you to work on.

2. Edit the form title

If you have experience with the desktop version of Google Forms, this screen should look familiar to you.

When you create a form, you’ll see a field labeled Untitled Form at the top. Give your form a title (otherwise, it will default to “Untitled Form”). The form description is optional.

The settings and design options are the same as on a desktop; they’re just presented in a more compact form.

A screenshot of an untitled Google Form being edited on a mobile device, showing options for a multiple-choice question

The menu to add form elements and new questions is located at the bottom of the screen (instead of on the side as it is in the computer version). You’ll still have access to all of the same features.

A mobile screen capture of an untitled and undescribed Google Form in the process of being created, with interface elements visible

What types of questions can I add to my form?

There are 11 types of questions you can include in your Google Form:

  • Multiple choice
  • Short answer
  • Paragraph
  • Checkboxes
  • Dropdown
  • File upload
  • Linear scale
  • Multiple choice grid
  • Checkbox grid
  • Date
  • Time

These options allow you to gather different types of information while making it easy for respondents to fill out the form. You can also add images and videos to your questions.

While questions are optional by default, you can require respondents to answer specific questions by toggling on the Required option at the bottom of the question box.

How do I share a Google Form?

When you finish creating your form, you can preview it to see what your respondents will see. Once it’s ready to send, tap the arrow icon in the top-right corner.

Google gives you the option to send the form through email or a link, or to copy an embed code to add the form to a website. It also gives you the option to choose whether you want to collect email addresses from respondents.

For more details, go to how to make a Google Form public.

Can I track responses to my form?

After you create and distribute a form, you can view responses by opening your form and clicking on the Responses tab. You’ll be able to see the number of submissions as well as their content.

You can view responses in three display modes:

  • Summary view: See your responses in the form of a pie chart, bar chart, or list.
  • Question view: See all the responses to each question.
  • Individual view: See each response in full.

You can also opt in to receive an email each time your form has a new submission.

For more details on how to see responses on Google Forms, check out our guide

Who can use Google Forms on mobile?

Anyone with access to a mobile device can submit a Google Form, regardless of whether they have a Google account. However, if you want to limit submissions to one per person, your respondents will have to sign in with their Google accounts.

Is Google Forms free?

Yes, it is free to both create and submit forms using Google Forms. You’ll need a free Google account to create a form.

Can I work on a Google Form with another person?

Yes, it’s possible to collaborate with others on a Google Form. Tap the arrow icon you used to send your form, then select Add editor in the bottom-left corner.

Can Google Forms be used offline?

Since Google Forms is a cloud-based tool, it requires an internet connection to create, send, and submit forms.

Is Google Forms downloadable?

While Google Forms is accessible on mobile devices through web browsers, Google doesn’t offer a standalone Google Forms mobile app. Some third-party tools can embed a Google form to make it appear like a mobile app. However, these apps are not created or maintained by Google and using them may pose security risks.

Is there a daily limit for sending Google Forms through email?

Different Google accounts have different limits on the number of emails you can send. With a free Gmail account, you can email a form to 500 contacts (using the email sharing option) in a 24-hour period, or send 400 automated form response emails. The limits are higher for paid Google Workplace accounts.

A simpler way to create forms on a mobile device

No matter how well-designed a browser-based app is, it will always feel a little bit off on a mobile device. For one, it won’t have an easy-to-access icon on your home screen. And an app that’s meant to work specifically on your phone just feels better — like a well-tailored suit vs one you’ve just pulled off of a rack at a thrift store.

If you’re looking for a more full-featured form tool that works natively on mobile devices, you can’t go wrong with Jotform Mobile Forms. Like Google Forms, Jotform is free to use. You only have to opt for a paid plan when you need higher limits on forms, submissions, or storage. It’s also one of the most feature-rich form builders available.

Here’s how to create a mobile form with Jotform:

  1. Download the Jotform Mobile Forms app.
  2. When you open the app, you’ll be asked to sign in to your Jotform account (or sign up for one).
A mobile screen capture of a sign-in page offering multiple sign-in options and fields for username or email and password
  1. You’ll now see a list of all your Jotform forms. To create a new one, click the plus (+) icon at the bottom right.
  2. Choose whether to build a form from scratch, use a template, import an existing form, or create an e-sign document.
A mobile screenshot displaying options for creating a form, including starting from scratch, using a template, importing a form, and creating a signable document
  1. Once you’ve chosen how to build your form, you’ll see the Form Builder screen. Tap to add questions and other form elements or customize the design.
A mobile screen capture showing an empty form builder interface with options to add questions, logo, new page, and customize design
  1. Choose from 25-plus basic form elements and question types. Or add payment processors or widgets for additional functionality.
A mobile screen capture of a form builder showing a menu with form elements like heading, full name, email, address, and others for creation
  1. When you’re ready to share your form, tap the Publish tab in the top right.

Not only does Jotform let you create forms from the Mobile Forms app, it also gives your users a native app experience when filling out your forms as well. You can even collect submissions and manage forms offline. Try it out today.

Photo by Freestocks on Unsplash

Lee Nathan is a personal development and productivity technology writer. He can be found at

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