What's the difference between Monthly submissions and Monthly signed form?

  • LeBaroudeur
    Demandé le 17 juillet 2024 à 15:09
    2) If I ask for a signature at the end of my form, I guess I should look at the “monthly signed form” line in the pricing table to assess my needs, not “monthly submissions”? (just to make sure I understand😅).
  • Eduardo Jotform Support
    Répondu le 17 juillet 2024 à 15:15

    Hi Le Baroudeur, 

    You are correct. Regarding the signatures limit in your forms, you should take a look at the Monthly Signed Documents on the Pricing page. For example, in the Bronze plan, you can have an overall 1.000 monthly submissions but only 100 Monthly Signed Documents.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.