Formularios de Correo en Línea Gratuitos

Haga potentes formularios de email en línea para su sitio web. El generador gratuito de formularios de email de Jotform facilita más que nunca agilizar sus procesos — sin ninguna codificación! Desde notificaciones de email hasta correos de respuesta automática, Jotform provee las funciones de correo electrónico que necesita para mejorar de la forma que su equipo se comunica en línea.


Plantillas Gratis de Formulario de Email

¿No desea crear formularios de correo electrónico desde cero? Solo personalice una de nuestras plantillas de formularios de correo electrónico gratuitos para que coincida con su marca. Con nuestro creador de formularios de email de arrastrar y soltar, ni siquiera tendrá que escribir una sola línea de código para crear el formulario de email perfecto en minutos.

Formulario de contacto

Template general-inquiry-contact-form-private-4

Formulario de registro

Template email-signup-form-private-1

Formulario de Solicitud

Template arts-and-craft-fair-application-form-private-2


Crear Formularios de Emails al Instante

Crear Emails Personalizados

Haga sus correos más profesionales personalizándolos. Utilice nuestro Constructor de formularios de arrastrar y soltar para crear formularios de correo electrónico HTML sin ningún tipo de codificación - luego personalice sus correos de auto respuesta para que luzcan y funcionen exactamente como los quiere. ¡Incluso puede configurar correos electrónicos para recordarle a los usuarios que terminen de llenar su formulario!

Agilice su flujo de trabajo

Cambie la forma en que gestiona sus emails con las funciones avanzadas de emails de Jotform. Potencie sus emails de respuesta automática con archivos adjuntos o condiciones lógicas, y siéntase libre de agregar varios destinatarios a la configuración de sus notificaciones de email. Lleve el marketing por correo electrónico al siguiente nivel — Intégrelo con plataformas de email que actualizan al instante los contactos de sus listas de correo electrónico.

Funciona Genial en Cualquier Dispositivo

Si puede revisar los emails desde cualquier dispositivo, debería poder hacer lo mismo con sus formularios de correo electrónico también. Todos los formularios son móviles por defecto, lo que significa que pueden ser llenados desde cualquier ordenador, tablet o teléfono con facilidad. Y con la aplicación Formularios móviles Jotform, puede revisar los envíos en el camino - incluso sin conexión.


Lo que nuestros usuarios dicen sobre Jotform

Jotform es una herramienta increíblemente cómoda para los equipos de diseño web. La utilizamos tanto para los sitios de nuestros clientes como para los nuestros. Jotform ayuda con los planes de formularios de nuestros clientes sin afectar la sensación o el propósito del diseño. Las integraciones y automatizaciones nos ahorran mucho tiempo. Podemos adaptar el formulario y su función como mejor nos parezca. Incluso podemos configurar las notificaciones por correo electrónico con nuestro propio HTML. Hemos encontrado otros proveedores de formularios a lo largo de los años, pero no se comparan con Jotform, que avanza continuamente. ¡Sigan con el buen trabajo!

Andrew Jones, Diseñador web, UpEngine

Formularios de email gratuitos en línea con Jotform

Free Online Email Forms With Jotform

Preguntas frecuentes

Todas sus preguntas acerca de Jotform — contestadas. Consulte las respuestas a las preguntas frecuentes y comunes, o contacte a nuestro equipo de soporte para más información.

What is an email form?

An email form is an online form that organizations or individuals use to collect information from their users on a website. These forms gather users' contact information for customer support queries, signup forms, and much more. When users fill out a form, their submissions are often automatically sent to a specific contact for follow-up.

What are the benefits of using email forms?

Email forms have a variety of perks. They make it easy to collect, organize, and manage information from a large number of people in one place. Email forms are both convenient for users and easy for organizations to integrate into existing workflows.

For example, submissions to email forms can be automatically sent to the appropriate contacts. Email forms also collect valuable data about users that organizations can use to communicate with them better.

Are email forms secure?

You can make email forms secure by using measures such as SSL/TLS encryption, CAPTCHA fields, and form validation. You can also add features to block suspicious activity like spam messages. The security of email forms depends on how secure an organization’s email infrastructure and hosting environment is.

How can I create an email form?

Creating an email form is easy with Jotform! First, determine the purpose and objectives of your form. Then choose one of our free email form templates to get started or build your own form from scratch with our drag-and-drop builder. When you’re done customizing the form to your liking, click Publish to share your form via a link, an email, or a QR code, or by embedding it on your website.

What information should I include in an email form?

The specific information you collect will depend on the nature of your business and the objective of your form. However, some typical fields found in email forms are

  • Nombre
  • Dirección de correo
  • Número de teléfono
  • Employer
  • Dirección

Can I customize the design of my email form?

Absolutely! Jotform’s seamless drag-and-drop form builder lets you add or edit form fields, adjust fonts and colors, drop in logos and images, and more — all without coding. You can customize any email form template to match your branding and reuse templates as many times as you need.

What types of businesses typically use email forms?

Businesses of all shapes and sizes use email forms to collect information from their customers. Whether you’re part of a large corporation trying to connect with its email subscribers, a nonprofit requesting donations, or a small, family-owned company taking job applications, there’s an email form out there for you.

Are there any best practices for using email forms?

There are a few best practices that make the form-filling experience quick and easy for users. Make sure you don’t overwhelm your users with too many questions. Keep the form concise and easy to understand. Clearly label fields and instructions so users know exactly what information you need from them.

Because so many people use their mobile devices for day-to-day tasks, it’s important to make your forms mobile-friendly so users can fill them out anywhere.

Finally, include a customized message and a confirmation email to thank users for their time and let them know you appreciate their feedback.

Can I integrate an email form with my CRM?

Yes. Integrating email forms with a customer relationship management (CRM) platform can be a huge help to companies. By integrating these systems, you can route customer service requests automatically and maintain a complete record of customer interactions. Jotform offers integrations with 25-plus CRM platforms — like Salesforce, HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, and more — to make data transfer a seamless and code-free process.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using email forms?

The most common mistake that organizations make with email forms is asking for too much information at one time. Users are much more likely to complete a form that’s concise and clear.

If the form appears to be too complex or hard to understand, users will run for the hills.

People also like to know what they’re signing up for. Don’t forget to include a short sentence about how much you appreciate customers’ feedback or how you will use the information collected.

How can I track the effectiveness of my email form?

You can use methods like conversion rate calculation, goal tracking, A/B testing, time-to-submission monitoring, and conversion funnel analysis to track your form's effectiveness. You can also use analytics tools in your form software to track user behavior like completion rates. You can even request feedback from users to identify usability issues or suggestions for improvement.

Can I use an email form to collect payments?

With Jotform, you can use an email form to collect payments seamlessly! In the Form Builder, navigate to the Payments tab. Choose the payment integration of your choice from options like PayPal, Stripe,, and more. Once you’ve connected the payment processor, you can embed the form on your website. Just click the Publish tab, then Embed to get an embed code to place the form on your site.