Jotform Login

Authorize users through Jotform to get API Access

    //code for the button above
    $("#jotformlogin").click(function(e) {
            function success() {
                $("#loginresults").html("user authorized successfully");
            function error() {
                $("#loginresults").html("error during authorization");

Getting started

  • Download latest jotform.js or jotform.min.js
  • or copy and paste
                      <script src=''></script>


  • Login users through Jotform
  • Get access to a Jotform API key to use now or later
  • Get view or edit access to a user's forms and form submission data


Jotform Login Widget


Using Jotform login is straightforward. It accepts two parameters as function. First parameter will be called after successful login and second parameter will be called if login fails.

        function() {
            //succcessful login
        function() {
            //login failed

See in jsfiddle


JF.initialize allows you to configure your application to work with Jotform API. When you call JF.login to launch a login pop-up with the configuration provided during initialization. Here is an example:

        // remember user on next visit by cookie
        // default: false
        enableCookieAuth : true, 
        // it will be visible on login window
        // default:hostname of your site
        appName: "YOUR_DESIRED_APP_NAME",
        // can be "readOnly" or "full"
        // default: readOnly
        accessType: 'readOnly' 
        function() {

        function() {


See in jsfiddle

After successful login JF object will be initialized with just logged in user's API key. At this point you can call various operations depending on your application's permission. Here is another code sample to get a user's info after authorization:

        function() {
            JF.getUser(function(resp) {
        function() {
            //login failed

See in jsfiddle

Getting a user's API key after a successful login:

        function() {
            var apiKey = JF.getAPIKey();
        function() {
            //login failed

See in jsfiddle

Form Picker

Let Jotform users select one of their forms

    //code for the button above
    $("#formpicker").click(function(e) {
            multiSelect: true,
            infinite_scroll: true,
            search: true,
            onSelect: function(r) {
                var selectedIds = [];
                for(var i=0; i<r.length; i++) {
                $("#results").html('Selected form ids: ' + selectedIds.join());
            onReady: function() {
                console.log('Form modal rendered');
            onClose : function() {
                console.log('Form picker closed');
            onLoad : function(formList, markup) {
                $("#results").html('Form list rendered');
                console.log('All forms loaded', formList);
                console.log('Forms list HTML markup', markup);

Getting started


  • Displays a form list to Jotform users
  • Authorizes user if not already
  • Allows multiple or single selection


Jotform Form Picker


  • Example:
  • Example usage using all options:
        //Set default options
            title: 'Form Picker',
            showPreviewLink: false,
            offset: 0,
            limit: 100,
            filter: false,
            sort: 'created_at',
            sortType: 'DESC',
            multiSelect: false,
            infinite_scroll: false,
            search: false,
            onSelect: function(selectedForms) {},
            onReady: function() {},
            onClose: function() {},
            onLoad: function() {}


  • title

    Type: string Default: Form Picker
    Specify a title for your formpicker modal
  • sort

    Type: string Default: updated_at
    Form list will be sorted accordingly. Parameter can be id, username, title, status(ENABLED, DISABLED, DELETED), created_at, updated_at, new (unread submissions count), count (all submissions count), slug (used in form URL).
  • sortType

    Type: string Default: DESC
    Sorting direction when listing forms, it can be Descending or in Ascending order. Parameter can be DESC, ASC
  • offset

    Type: int Default: 0
    Start of each result set for form list.
  • limit

    Type: int Default: 100
    Number of results in each result set for form list.
  • filter

    Type: object | boolean Default: false
    Filters the query results to fetch a specific form range. Example: {"new":"1"}. You can also use gt(greater than), lt(less than), ne(not equal to) commands to get more advanced filtering : Example: {"created_at:gt":"2013-01-01 00:00:00"}
  • showPreviewLink

    Type: boolean Default: false
    Show a preview link next to each form title (open in new tab)
  • multiSelect

    Type: boolean Default: false
    User can select multiple forms if enabled.
  • infinite_scroll

    Type: boolean Default: false
    Load the rest of your forms as you scroll to the end of the existing content
  • search

    Type: boolean Defaul: false
    Search bar will be shown to easily find your desired form in real time
  • onSelect

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets fired after user selects a form and closes the modal.
    Passes a list of selected form objects.
    A sample form object:
            count: "0"
            created_at: "2013-07-21 20:17:07"
            height: "465"
            id: "32017755214953"
            new: "0"
            status: "ENABLED"
            title: "Full screen text"
            unread: "0"
            updated_at: "2013-07-21 20:17:07"
            url: ""
            username: "testuser"
  • onReady

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets called after the modal layout rendered.
  • onLoad

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets called after all the forms list rendered.
    Passes two arguments. formsList(object) and markup(the list HTML markup)
  • onClose

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets fired when modal window closed

Question Picker

Let Jotform users select questions from one of their forms

    //code for the button above
    $("#questionpicker").click(function(e) {
            onSelect: function(forms) {
                //after form select initialize question picker plugin
                if(forms.length > 0) {
                    var formID = forms[0].id;
                    JF.QuestionPicker(formID, {
                        multiSelect: true,
                        loadForm: false,
                        onReady : function() {
                        onSelect : function(q) {
                        onClose : function() {
            onReady: function() {
                console.log('Form modal rendered');
            onClose : function() {
                console.log('Form picker closed');
            onLoad : function(formList, markup) {
                $("#results").html('Form list rendered');
                console.log('All forms loaded', formList);
                console.log('Forms list HTML markup', markup);

Getting started


  • Example: (Note: FormID is required)
        //FORM_ID: Form with given id will be displayed in QuestionPicker window
  • Example usage using all options:
        //Set the FORM_ID(1st parameter) and the default options(2nd parameter)
        JF.QuestionPicker('FORM_ID', {
            sort: 'order',
            sortType: 'ASC',
            title: 'Question Picker',
            multiSelect: false,
            ignore_types: [],
            loadForm: false,
            onSelect: function(selectedQuestions) {
            onRender: function() {
            onClose: function() {
            onLoad: function(resp) {


  • title

    Type: string Default: Question Picker
    Specify a title for your Question picker modal
  • sort

    Type: string Default: order
    Questions will be sorted accordingly. There are ONLY two options available order, qid
  • sortType

    Type: string Default: DESC
    Sorting direction when listing questions, it can be Descending or in Ascending order. Parameter can be DESC, ASC
  • ignore_types

    Type: array Default: []
    Exclude certain type of questions. Full list [Link 1, Link 2]
  • loadForm

    Type: boolean Default: false
    An alternative way to render the whole Form to the modal window and select a certain type of question
  • onSelect

    Type: function Default: noop
    Gets fired after user selects questions from form and closes the modal.
    Passes array of selected question objects.
    A sample question object:
            count: "0"
            created_at: "2013-07-21 20:17:07"
            height: "465"
            id: "32017755214953"
            new: "0"
            status: "ENABLED"
            title: "Full screen text"
            unread: "0"
            updated_at: "2013-07-21 20:17:07"
            url: ""
            username: "testuser"
  • onReady

    Type: function Default: $.noop

    Gets called after form rendered.

  • onClose

    Type: function Default: $.noop

    Gets fired when modal window closed

  • onLoad

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets called after all the questions rendered.
    Passes two arguments. questionList(object) and markup(the list HTML markup)

Question Mapper

Jotform Question Mapper is a small widget designed to be used in Jotform integration apps letting users create connection between Jotform form questions and their apps database fields.

Jotform Question Mapper plays a vital role when you integrate your app into Jotform. Integration Apps can be deployed on the Jotform Form Builder Integrations Wizard. And for that you need to create a map between Jotform form questions to your apps fields.


Question Mapper

Getting Started

  • Download latest jotform.min.js or jotformIntegrate.min.js
  • or copy and paste
        <script src=''></script>
        <script src=''></script>


  • Example matching questions of one of your forms with given targetFields:
            formId : "Your Form ID"
            el : $("#match").get()[0],
            targetFields : [
                value : "Full Name",
                key : "fullName",
                type : "control_fullname",
                required:true //require existence of fullName field on Jotform
                value : "Address",
                key : "address",
                type : "control_textbox",
                value : "Comment",
                key : "comment",
                type : "control_textbox",
                value : "E-Mail",
                key : "email",
                type : "control_email",
                required : true
                value : "Datetime",
                key : "datetime",
                type : "control_datetime",
                required : true
            matches: [{question: "3", target: "fullName"}],
                console.log("matches " , {matches:matches});


  • el

    Type: string Default: body
    Target HTML DOM element in which the widget will be rendered.
  • targetFields

    Type: array Default: []
    Array of field objects.For example: the fields may represent your database schema column names.
  • targetFields.value

    Type: string Default: ""
    Text value of field that will be put whithin <option> tags.
  • targetFields.key

    Type: string Default: ""
    Key of the field that will be used on matches, should be your db column name and should be alpha-numeric
  • targetFields.type

    Type: string Default: "control_textbox"
    Jotform type of your field. May have following values control_email, control_fullname,control_datetime. For complete list of allowed values see Jotform Question Types
    You can also use "any" to match anyfield, and use comma seperated lists to use multiple types
    For Example : "control_textbox,control_email" would allow matching of both textbox and email fields.
  • targetFields.autoMatch

    Type: boolean Default: false
    If set true, this field and corresponding Jotform question will be added to matches automatically.
  • targetFields.required

    Type: boolean Default: false
    If set true, requires this field to be among the matches and dis-allow user to complete matching before matching this field with a type-compatible Jotform question. If given form does not contain a question of this type, then a warning message will be rendered pointing out the user about missing field type.
  • matches

    Type: array Default: []
    An array of matched objects to be shown immediately in the question maper list. Can be used when passing previously saved matches that the user can edit
  • matches.question

    Type: string Default: ""
    Key of the form question for the match

    Type: string Default: ""
    Key of the target field for the match
  • waitForResources

    Type: boolean Default: true

    Wait for required js and css files, should be used when there is a race condition between creating visual twitches.

  • callback

    Type: function Default: $.noop

    A function of your choice, that will receive the matches when user clicks finish button.

Question Naming

Let users give a custom name to form questions. Get inputs and process the data to your needs.
It can also remember previously entered data.

    //code for the button above
    $("#question_naming").click(function(e) {
            multiSelect: false,
            onSelect: function(response)
                var formID = response[0].id;
                JF.QuestionNaming(formID, {
                    title: 'Question Naming Demo',
                    onSubmit: function(e)
        return false;

Getting started


  • Receive custom names of your form questions from your users
  • Remember user previously entered data
  • Put your own RegEx to validate user inputs and add validation error message
  • Exclude certain type of questions
  • Authorizes user if not already


Question Naming


  • Example: (Note: FormID is required)
        //formID: an ID of a form on where the questions will be coming from
  • Example usage using all options:
        //Set the formID(1st parameter) and the default options(2nd parameter)
        JF.QuestionNaming(formID, {
            sort: 'order',
            sortType: 'ASC',
            title: 'Question Naming',
            remember: true,
            ignore_types: [
            unique: false,
            unique_error_msg: "You cannot name fields with the same name.",
            allowed_inputs: /^[a-z0-9_]+$/i,
            inputs_error_msg: "Only Alphabetic and Numeric characters are allowed.",
            onSubmit: function(response) {},
            onProgress: function() {},
            onReady: function() {},
            onClose: function() {},
            onLoad: function() {}


  • title

    Type: string Default: Question Naming
    Specify a title for your Question Naming modal
  • sort

    Type: string Default: order
    Questions will be sorted accordingly. There are ONLY two options available order, qid
  • sortType

    Type: string Default: DESC
    Sorting direction when listing questions, it can be Descending or in Ascending order. Parameter can be DESC, ASC
  • remember

    Type: boolean Default: true
    Remember user inputs and prepopulate fields on the next widget load.
  • ignore_types

    Type: array Default: ["control_head", "control_button", "control_pagebreak", "control_collapse", "control_text"]
    Exclude certain type of questions. Full list [Link 1, Link 2]
  • unique

    Type: boolean Default: false
    Prevent textfield inputs to be identical.
  • unique_error_msg

    Type: string Default: You cannot name fields with the same name.
    Display an error message(on the footer area) when the unique validation not met.
  • allowed_inputs

    Type: RegEx Default: /^[a-z0-9_]+$/i
    Validate user inputs after they type something on the field - from an event onblur.
  • inputs_error_msg

    Type: string Default: Only Alphabetic and Numeric characters are allowed.
    Display an error message(on the footer area) when the input validation not met.
  • onSubmit

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets fired after user submits the modified fields.
    Passes a list of question objects with a new property modified_text that contains the custom name of the question.
    A sample response object:
            0: {
                cols: "40"
                entryLimit: "None-0"
                labelAlign: "Auto"
                modified_text: "ANewTextareaIs"
                name: "aNew"
                order: "1"
                qid: "9"
                readonly: "No"
                required: "No"
                rows: "6"
                text: "Question Text default - 1"
                type: "control_textarea"
                validation: "None"
                wysiwyg: "Disable"
            1: {
                hint: " "
                labelAlign: "Auto"
                modified_text: "YourProperNamePlease"
                name: "putA"
                order: "2"
                qid: "1"
                readonly: "No"
                required: "No"
                size: "20"
                text: "Question Text default - 2"
                type: "control_textbox"
                validation: "None"
  • onReady

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets called after the modal layout rendered.
  • onLoad

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets called after all the questions rendered.
    Passes two arguments. questionList(object) and markup(the list HTML markup)
  • onClose

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets fired when modal window closed

Report Picker

Let Jotform users select report(s) from their forms

    //code for the button above
    $("#reportpicker").click(function(e) {
            multiSelect: false,
            onSelect: function(response) {
                var formID = response[0].id;
                JF.ReportPicker(formID, {
                    title: 'Pick your Report from form ID: ' + formID,
                    showPreviewLink: true,
                    multiSelect: false,
                    onSelect: function(r) {
                        var selectedIds = [];
                        for(var i=0; i <r.length; i++) {
                        $("#reportpicker_results").html('Selected report ids: ' + selectedIds.join());
                    onReady: function() {
                        console.log('Report modal rendered');
                    onClose: function() {
                        console.log('Report picker closed');
                    onLoad: function(reportsList, markup) {
                        $("#reportpicker_results").html('Report list rendered');
                        console.log('All reports loaded', reportsList);
                        console.log('Reports list HTML markup', markup);

Getting started


  • Displays a list of reports from specific form to Jotform users
  • Authorizes user if not already
  • Allows multiple or single selection


Jotform Report Picker


  • Example: (Note: FormID is required)
        //formID: an ID of a form on where the reports will be coming from
  • Example usage using all options:
        //Set the formID(1st parameter) and the default options(2nd parameter)
        JF.ReportPicker(formID, {
            title: 'Report Picker',
            showPreviewLink: false,
            sort: 'created_at',
            sortType: 'DESC',
            offset: 0,
            limit: 100,
            filter: false,
            multiSelect: false,
            onSelect: function(selectedForms) {},
            onProgress: function() {},
            onReady: function() {},
            onClose: function() {},
            onLoad: function() {},
            modalCSS: '<stylesheet link>'


  • title

    Type: string Default: Report Picker
    Specify a title for your report picker modal
  • sort

    Type: string Default: updated_at
    Report list will be sorted accordingly. Parameter can be id, created_at, updated_at, title, status(ENABLED, DISABLED, DELETED)
  • sortType

    Type: string Default: DESC
    Sorting direction when listing reports, it can be Descending or in Ascending order. Parameter can be DESC, ASC
  • offset

    Type: int Default: 0
    Start of each result set for report list.
  • limit

    Type: int Default: 100
    Number of results in each result set for report list.
  • filter

    Type: object | boolean Default: false
    Filters the query results to fetch a specific form range. Example: {"new":"1"}. You can also use gt(greater than), lt(less than), ne(not equal to) commands to get more advanced filtering : Example: {"created_at:gt":"2013-01-01 00:00:00"}
  • showPreviewLink

    Type: boolean Default: false
    Show a preview link next to each report title (open in new tab)
  • multiSelect

    Type: boolean Default: false
    User can select multiple reports if enabled.
  • onSelect

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets fired after user selects a report and closes the modal.
    Passes a list of selected report objects.
    A sample report object:
            created_at: "2013-09-11 00:00:00"
            fields: "ip,dt,5,4,6"
            form_id: "32314725153952"
            id: "32536680046050"
            isProtected: false
            list_type: "excel"
            previewLink: true,
            settings: ""
            status: "ENABLED"
            title: "Excel Report Test"
            updated_at: null
            url: ""
  • onReady

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets called after the modal layout rendered.
  • onLoad

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets called after all the report list rendered.
    Passes two arguments. reportsList(object) and markup(the list HTML markup)
  • onClose

    Type: function Default: $.noop
    Gets fired when modal window closed
  • modalCSS

    Type: string Default: JotFormReportPicker.css
    Customize the report picker to your own style. Please refer to the default stylesheet for css identifiers

Jotform Anywhere

Jotform Anywhere is a small JavaScript SDK that brings the capabilities of Jotform Form Builder to all web apps.

Jotform Anywhere provides a set of client side functionality to let you add a Form Builder inside your web app. Your users can create/edit and embed forms without leaving your site.

For a complete list of documentation and demo code visit Jotform Anywhere


Jotform Anywhere Screenshot

Jotform Question Types

Here is the complete* list of question types you can use on Jotform Question Mapper.


Note: Some fields are not meant to be used in Question Mapper, they are parts of Jotform Form Builder's internal workings. Such as control_collapse and control_pagebreak. Also payment field types omitted.
