Top 4 recruiting apps

Acquiring talent to run a business is just as important as having a good product and a solid business model. Recruitment may be even more important, since it’s impossible to sustain a successful business without the right people to run it.

Among the most valuable developments in the world of recruitment in recent years has been the introduction of recruiting apps. These apps give human resource departments, prospective employees, and company stakeholders direct access to various recruitment processes right from their phones.

Not only do recruitment apps appeal to employees looking for forward-thinking companies, but they also make the entire recruiting cycle easier to navigate on the business end.

What is a recruiting app?

Recruiting apps build off previous solutions that brought recruitment into the digital age. Like the online recruitment services before them — think CareerBuilder and Monster Jobs — these apps provide a digital connection between a business and potential employees.

The difference between previous digital recruiting solutions and these apps is they can be downloaded onto mobile devices for convenience. So job seekers can now browse on the go instead of sitting down at their computers to access information about open positions and company cultures.

Pro Tip

Keep track of job applications, interviews, and more in our recruitment mobile app — all without coding.

Why do companies need recruiting apps?

As with everything else in the corporate world, recruitment is increasingly complemented by technology. Recruiting apps can leverage technologies like real-time communication and texting, interview scheduling, and push notifications to better reach new employees through a simple, downloadable, all-in-one package.

They can also encourage better collaboration between team members involved in the hiring process. With all recruiting information available in one convenient location, each stakeholder can access important details about new recruits.

At the same time, you can involve more people in the hiring process thanks to the accessibility of apps. Companies can collaborate with their existing employees to refine their searches when looking to fill positions that require highly specialized skill sets.

A product engineer, for instance, can easily be looped in when searching for new product engineers, encouraging your employees’ to take ownership in the decision-making process. What’s more, this can strengthen employee-manager relationships by allowing team members a say in their department and opening lines of communication.

Top four recruiting apps

Looking for the right recruitment app for your business? Here are the top four on the market today.


More than 706 million people in around 200 countries use LinkedIn. The simple fact is businesses need to make waves on this business-oriented social media app to recruit successfully.

That’s exactly what the LinkedIn Recruiter app does — it connects HR and hiring stakeholders directly to the massive network of potential employees from their iOS or Android device. You can customize the app to notify you when it finds users who fit job postings. The app also provides tools for recruiters to interact with those users if they choose to.

LinkedIn Recruiter
LinkedIn Recruiter

One of LinkedIn’s main competitors, Indeed is more of a traditional digital recruiting service without excess frills or social media components. With the Indeed Job Search app, you are notified when someone takes action on one of your postings, and you can pay modest fees to advertise openings through the platform. You can even set up a round of questions for recruits to fill out through the app to help screen them for interviews.

Indeed Job Search
Indeed Job Search


Scheduling and video conferencing app Calendly is ideal for setting up and conducting virtual and in-person interviews with prospective employees.

Scheduling interviews is an important step in the recruitment funnel, especially when accommodating hundreds of applicants. Candidates can see pockets of free time in your schedule and select interview times that work best for them, and Calendly can send automatic appointment reminders to reduce no-shows. Plus, you can create custom questions to ask recruits when they make appointments, ensuring your team is prepared before every interview.



Job aggregator sites like ZipRecruiter are a subset of the digital recruiting service marketplace. ZipRecruiter collects data from all the major job boards and offers it to job seekers all at once, simplifying the search process so they can focus on one recruitment app instead of several.

Recruits value the convenience ZipRecruiter offers, so it’s a good idea to meet them where they’re likely to be. The app itself runs similarly to the Indeed and LinkedIn apps, allowing recruiters to post, track, and update applications from their mobile devices.


Recruiting with Jotform Apps

There are more ways to leverage recruitment apps for your business than simply relying on third parties to run your search process. Instead, you can build your own app — no expensive coding required — with online form builder Jotform’s mobile app builder, Jotform Apps.

With Jotform Apps, you gain access to more than 300 pre-made app templates covering every area of recruitment, from helpful templates to automate traditional human resource processes to Jotform’s recruitment app template. These templates are fully customizable, so all you have to do is drag and drop your branding and design elements to personalize them for your business and create the perfect recruitment app for your needs.

When you meet recruits on their terms with cutting-edge recruiting apps, you’re more likely to build a solid team.

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

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