The 28 best post-purchase survey questions to ask your customers

Want to know how your customers feel about your business’s products and services? Try post-purchase surveys.

These surveys let companies tap into the minds of customers to find out what they love and where they think things could be better. Want to know how awesome your customer service is or whether your product is the next big thing? With post-purchase survey questions, all you have to do is ask.

But it’s not just about collecting pats on the back. These surveys are perfect for making improvements, even to things that are already good. Want to ask for customer suggestions? Check. Ideas for a new upgrade? You got it. Post-purchase survey questions can be a direct line to what customers want, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve.

When companies show that they care what their customers think, they’re able to build a relationship with them. And happy customers stick around and spread the word to their friends, creating buzz that money can’t buy.

In a nutshell, post-purchase survey questions are key to helping businesses keep customers happy, improve their game, and stay on top of the competition.

You can create a post-purchase survey with the top 28 questions with Jotform!

Examples of post-purchase survey questions

Post-purchase survey questions can cover a range of topics to help you gather insights into different aspects of the customer experience.

Consider asking a variety of questions on things like pricing, quality, experience, and the likelihood that customers will make a repeat purchase. After all, studies show that repeat customers refer 50 percent more people to your business than one-time buyers do.

Here are some examples of post-purchase survey questions:


  • How would you rate the value you received for the price you paid?
  • Do you believe our product/service justifies its price in terms of quality and features?
  • How does our pricing compare to similar products/services in the market?
  • Did you find our pricing information clear and transparent?
  • Were there any hidden fees or unexpected charges in the purchasing process?
  • How affordable do you think our product/service is?
  • What are your thoughts on our pricing model (e.g., subscription, one-time purchase)?

Product/service quality

  • How satisfied are you with the overall quality of the product/service you purchased?
  • On a scale of 1–10, how would you rate the craftsmanship and durability of the product/usefulness of the service?
  • Which specific features of the product/service do you find most valuable in terms of quality and performance?
  • Were there any features that didn’t meet your expectations or could be improved?
  • Did the actual product/service quality meet your expectations based on the description or advertising?
  • Were there any discrepancies between what was promised and the actual quality of the product/service?
  • How confident are you in the long-term reliability of the product/service?

User experience

  • How would you rate the overall ease of our product/service?
  • Did you find the user interface intuitive and user-friendly?
  • Were you able to easily navigate through our website or app during the purchase process?
  • Did you experience any delays or issues while using our product/service?
  • Were there any specific features or aspects of our mobile website that stood out positively or negatively?
  • What are your thoughts on the design of our product/service?
  • Did the design contribute positively to your overall user experience?

Future purchases

  • How likely are you to make another purchase from us in the future?
  • What factors would most influence your decision to make a future purchase from our company?
  • Are there specific features or improvements you would like to see in our products/services before considering another purchase?
  • Do you plan to explore additional offerings from our brand that you haven’t tried yet?
  • Would you be interested in joining a loyalty program for exclusive discounts and benefits on future purchases?
  • How would you prefer to receive information about future products/services or promotions (e.g., email, newsletters, social media)?
  • Are you open to receiving personalized recommendations based on your purchase history?

Steps to create a post-purchase survey with Jotform

Creating a post-purchase survey with Jotform is straightforward. First, log into your Jotform account or sign up if you don’t have one. (You can do so for free.)

Once you’re logged in, click on the Create Form button. You can start from scratch or use a template from Jotform’s extensive library, like this post-purchase survey template. The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to add various types of form fields, including text fields, multiple-choice questions, checkboxes, and more.

Customizing your survey is simple; you can add questions, rearrange them, and adjust settings such as for required fields or conditional logic. Jotform also offers a wide range of themes and styling options to ensure your survey aligns with your brand or desired aesthetic.

After finalizing your survey, preview the form to ensure it appears the way you want it. Finally, click on the Publish button to get the survey link or embed code, making it ready for distribution to your audience.

Jotform provides a user-friendly platform for creating surveys, offering flexibility and customization to meet your specific needs.

A powerful way to track your survey results: Jotform Tables

Once your survey results start rolling in, you’ll need a place to store and track your data.

It’s easy with Jotform Tables — Jotform’s all-in-one data management workspace. The answers to your post-purchase survey questions will automatically feed into a table from your Jotform survey. Here, you’ll be able to organize your data into columns and add formulas and filters with just a few clicks.

If you’re analyzing your survey with teammates, you can share your table and customize access settings for any other users. Just like Jotform’s surveys, with Jotform Tables, you can get creative or do things the easy way with ready-made templates. You’ll get loads of support throughout your post-purchase survey process with Jotform’s powerful tools.

Photo by Jack Sparrow

Jotform's Editorial Team is a group of dedicated professionals committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to Jotform blog readers. Our team's expertise spans a wide range of topics, from industry-specific subjects like managing summer camps and educational institutions to essential skills in surveys, data collection methods, and document management. We also provide curated recommendations on the best software tools and resources to help streamline your workflow.

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