How to collect payments for a Microsoft Teams webinar

How to collect payments for a Microsoft Teams webinar

When you’re planning to host a webinar, you have to manage a lot of moving parts. Internally, you’re putting together all of the details, slides, and information you want to touch on during your event. And externally, you’re reaching out to stakeholders or anyone who might want to register for the event and making sure the correct technology is in place.

If your company’s business model revolves around the knowledge you provide others, it’s likely that you host a lot of webinars. This also means you’re probably charging admission to those who want to learn about your proprietary information, so it’s important to have the proper foundation in place to support these efforts.

Webinars exist entirely online, and so will any payments you collect for them. That’s where Microsoft Teams and Jotform come in. A Microsoft Teams webinar provides the functionality for any hosting you want to do — and Jotform provides payment forms.

Here’s what you need to know about collecting payment for a Microsoft Teams webinar.

Design a payment form that meets your needs

A webinar you offer one week is going to have a different purpose than one you host a month later. You’ll probably cover different topics and appeal to unique audiences each time. That’s why it’s important that you can design different forms to collect webinar payments.

With Jotform, you can customize payment forms for your Microsoft Teams webinar. Depending on your structure, you can select a premade template or create your own form. And when users fill out your forms, all of their information will be stored in the same place, so you can make quick judgments and perform analysis.

Initiate the payment collection process

You might have an easy-to-read form that lays out what you want your users to know, but if you don’t have a payment gateway set up, that’s as far as you’re going to get. Jotform’s integrations with payment apps like PayPal, Square, Stripe, and more, allow you to use different payment methods to collect your webinar registration fees. All you have to do is link your Jotform account to whichever payment application you prefer.

You can customize the type of information you gather from your users as well, creating a webinar experience that’s unique to your business and its goals.

It’s easy to embed your payment form on a website. Just go to the Publish tab in the Jotform Form Builder, select the appropriate embed code, click the Copy Code button, and paste the code into the web page where you want it to appear.

Inspire confidence

Hosting a webinar requires putting your business out there. You’re making a statement to people in your industry — and beyond that, you’re positioning your business as a trusted source for the information or topics you’ll be presenting.

Asking people to pay for the knowledge you’re offering means you have to be organized and ensure that the correct systems are in place for everything to go off without a hitch. If the registration process is glitchy, your customers are going to be frustrated.

That’s why paying attention to detail is so important when you’re establishing a foundation for your webinars. But with Jotform by your side, you can sweep away any worries about the payment collection process.

Network virtually

There’s perhaps no better way to reach a large number of people than by hosting webinars. They represent the best of business technology and serve as a great way to get your name out there in an innovative and customizable format.

Hosting a Microsoft Teams webinar is a great way to gain visibility for your business. When you demonstrate your ability to put on a successful event, you also give the new contacts you make along the way a good idea of how you’ll do business with them in the future.

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