Healthie vs Practice Better for practice management

Health and wellness professionals are always on the lookout for platforms that can simplify administrative tasks while improving client care. Among the options, Healthie and Practice Better are two notable solutions that offer unique features for wellness coaches, nutritionists, dietitians, and other health professionals.

This article compares the two platforms’ features, pricing, and target audiences to help you decide which one best fits your practice.

A brief overview of Healthie and Practice Better

Healthie is an all-in-one practice management platform designed to support health professionals in managing their businesses and client relationships effectively. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for telehealth, client messaging, scheduling, and more, focusing on making client management seamless and efficient.

Healthie Landing Page

Practice Better, on the other hand, is a practice management solution with a strong focus on serving nutritionists and dietitians. It offers functionalities similar to what Healthie delivers, such as client engagement, scheduling, and telehealth capabilities.

User Interface of Practice Better

Now, let’s dive into each platform’s main features.

Comprehensive platforms for modern health professionals

Healthie and Practice Better cover a wide range of healthcare use cases. Their key features include

  • Appointment scheduling and calendar integration

    Healthie offers a user-friendly scheduling system that integrates smoothly with Google Calendar, iCal, and Outlook, making it easy for practitioners to manage their appointments and personal schedules in one place.

    Practice Better provides a similarly robust scheduling tool with added features tailored for nutrition and wellness practitioners, such as session packages and programs that clients can book directly.

  • Client communication tools

    Healthie boasts comprehensive communication tools that include secure messaging, video calls, and even group chat capabilities, giving practitioners diverse ways to connect with clients.

    Practice Better also emphasizes secure client-practitioner communication, with the added benefit of a built-in protocol feature for sending documents and resources during video consultations, especially useful for sharing meal plans and educational materials.

  • Billing, invoicing, and payment processing

    Healthie streamlines financial transactions with integrated billing, invoicing, and payment processing features, accommodating a variety of payment methods.

    Practice Better focuses on easy-to-use billing and invoicing features that cater specifically to the needs of nutrition and wellness professionals, including the ability to bill for packages, programs, and products.

  • Telehealth capabilities
  • Healthie offers robust telehealth features to support various health services, from one-on-one consultations to group sessions, with high-quality video and audio capabilities.

    Practice Better also provides excellent telehealth functionality and session recording (where legally permissible). It’s great for clients who benefit from revisiting their consultations.

  • Nutrition and wellness tracking
  • Healthie and Practice Better offer comprehensive meal planning tools, lifestyle tracking, and goal setting. However, Practice Better provides more detailed dietary tracking and meal planning features.

  • Compliance with industry regulations
  • Healthie and Practice Better helps to comply with major privacy regulations like HIPAA and GDPR, ensuring user data is handled securely and legally.

  • Integration with other tools and software
  • Healthie provides extensive integrations with other tools and software, including electronic health records (EHRs), payment processors, and marketing tools, offering a flexible and comprehensive solution for practice management.

    Practice Better, while offering a range of integrations, places a particular emphasis on nutritional databases and resources, enhancing its utility for dietitians and nutritionists.

  • Pricing and plans
  • Healthie offers several pricing tiers, starting with a basic plan that caters to individual practitioners and scaling up to more advanced plans that support larger practices and teams. The Starter plan is free and allows up to 10 active clients. Paid plans start at $45/month when billed yearly and scale up from there.

    Practice Better also structures its pricing to accommodate a range of professionals, from solo practitioners to larger clinics, with features expanding at each tier. It offers a free plan for recent grads just starting out. Otherwise, plans start at $25/month for 10 clients and scale up from there.

The right platform for your practice

Healthie is designed for a broad audience of health professionals, including therapists, coaches, and wellness practitioners. Its strengths lie in its comprehensive client management tools and broad focus on various health professionals. However, some users may find its wide array of features overwhelming if they’re looking for more straightforward functionality.

Practice Better is specifically tailored for dietitians, nutritionists, and those focusing on dietary counseling and planning, appealing to professionals in those fields. The choice between them depends on your specific needs, practice focus, and preference for a broad toolset versus a more specialized one.

Practice management enhancement with Jotform

Jotform is a helpful HIPAA-friendly tool for managing medical practices. It offers medical form templates for patient intake, consent, telehealth, feedback, and more — useful for any medical or wellness practice.

You can integrate Jotform with Healthie and Practice Better to improve medical operations, making it easier to onboard new clients with custom intake forms. Or use pre-session questionnaires and post-session feedback forms in telehealth sessions. Jotform can also manage registration forms for events and group sessions, complementing the strengths of Healthie and Practice Better. Jotform simplifies administrative tasks, enhances client communication, and streamlines operations for health and wellness practitioners to improve client care. Try it for free today.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

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