Can employers help employees find another job?

An employer wouldn’t usually be happy to hear that an employee is looking for a new job, but there are some situations in which an employer might actually want to help with the job hunting process. Employers who’ve hired temporary staff, work with contractors, or know that they’ll be downsizing might be invested in helping staff find a new opportunity. 

As long as company policy allows it, a current or former employer can help an employee search for another job in multiple ways. 

Offer career advice

If an employee is looking for an opportunity in the same industry as their current job, then an employer might be able to provide important insights about the work environment, career paths, and opportunities that might come with certain positions. An employer can also help an employee strategize their overall goals and determine which career moves are best for them.

Help applicants prepare for the job search

Employers can also offer employees valuable help when it comes to resume and cover letter development. They are uniquely positioned to provide detailed feedback and insights on what hiring managers want to see in cover letters and resumes. Stronger applications can help applicants stand out.

While applicants may look strong on paper, performing well in interviews can be a challenge. An employer could sit down with an employee and run through some of the tougher questions they might get during an interview. After the interview, it’s especially helpful to provide detailed feedback on the responses and help the employee craft ideal responses.

An employee’s quarterly or annual reviews can also be a potential source of information that can make them a stronger job applicant. Discussing the employee’s top qualities and contributions to the business can boost the employee’s confidence and self-esteem, and it can give them talking points they can use during an interview.

Help employees make important connections

An employer can use their existing network to help an employee make connections. If an employer has an established connection with recruiters, sharing the employee’s resume and intended career path might generate potential job leads.

Employers can also use their websites to help employees connect with potential employers. Jotform is particularly helpful when a business wants to publicize employees and help them find new opportunities.

To create a similarly helpful page, employers can start by having interested staff fill out one of Jotform’s employee information forms. These forms will electronically gather the important data that a business may want to present to prospective employers. 

Next, a business can simply embed that form submission into a page on its website, making the information public. It’s a streamlined process that requires no data entry. With a minimal time investment on the part of the business, these simple actions can amplify an employee’s reach in their job search.

Provide an enthusiastic reference

A current employer can also provide job seekers with a great reference. Openly discussing the employee’s strengths, contributions, and even factors like their working relationships can help a potential employer determine if they’re the right person for the opportunity. 

An employer who’s willing to write letters of recommendation and be available for reference checks and phone calls will give employees an essential tool they’ll need to secure new employment.

Offer flexibility

The job market is highly competitive, and applicants need to be somewhat flexible in accommodating interview requests. Employers can help by giving employees the scheduling flexibility necessary to attend interviews. It’s also helpful to be flexible about the employee’s departure date so that they can accommodate the start dates their new positions require.

Hunting for a job is difficult, especially when employees feel like they can’t disclose their search to their employers. An employer that’s supportive of an employee’s job search and overall career path can help make the process less stressful — and maybe even help that employee find an ideal new position that will move them along in their career. 

A journalist and digital consultant, John Boitnott has worked for TV, newspapers, radio, and Internet companies for 25 years. He’s written for, Fast Company, NBC, Entrepreneur, USA Today, and Business Insider, among others.

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