InfoAngelAsked on February 16, 2025 at 3:16 PM
Please help me understand submission views!!
it states that when editing a form it doesn’t count as a view is that correct? I’m views just keep piling up (it’s not live on any site or linked to anyone just me!) At first I was view the form via my framer website and realized every time I refresh it counts as a view that the only reason why I knew about the view submission (pretty ridiculous) anyways that when I started looking into it so I can customize my form WITHOUT having a view against me!! I thought of your signed in in doesn’t count as a view please explain this further!! All iam doing is hitting edit form in the mobile app and desktop and the views are still going up! I’ve been taking screenshots constantly I have NOT been looking at it via my website anymore. I don’t understand what is the best why for the user to edit the form and view it without a view lol! Also your website stats embedded doesn’t count if logged in what exactly does that mean!! -
Igor_LuReplied on February 16, 2025 at 3:29 PM
Hello InfoAngel
View will always be counted in towards the counter even if it comes from you as long as you re viewing your form live. This is standard and expected behavior on all internet platforms.
It's nothing out of ordinary, this is how even the biggest sites operate such as youtube for example. View is always counted in and in general this shouldn't be causing any problem nor any harm.
Take care. -
Camila JotForm SupportReplied on February 16, 2025 at 3:31 PM
Hi Angel,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Can you verify if you are referring to Form Views? If yes, Form views refer to the number of times your form has been loaded or viewed. When you and other visitors to your website access your form, that counts as 1 view. Refreshing or reloading the page would also count as one additional view. You can always check out your Form Analytics page, which will give you details of the submissions and form views. You can check out this guide on Understanding Form Analytics and Ways How to Get Your User’s Info for more information.
Additionally, for the Bronze plan, you have a 10,000 form views limit per month. If you want to increase your Form Views limit, you might want to consider upgrading your account to increase your limits. You can always visit our pricing page for all the available plans and features. Or, you can wait for the monthly limit to reset.
Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.
InfoAngelReplied on February 16, 2025 at 6:43 PM
Will Views From Preview Count as Form Views?
No. The Preview will not be counted against your form views. It will also not count if you view a form while logged in – even if it is embedded on your website. This means that form views only count if someone else views the form. The same applies if you are not logged into the system while checking it.
can you break this down further its from you website!
if I click "edit" from the Jotform app on my mobile device to edit the form does that count as a "form view" ?
" It will also not count if you view a form while logged in – even if it is embedded on your website"? what does this mean exactly?, you can look at your form another way beside "preview, if your logged in"??
"The same applies if you are not logged into the system while checking it." what's does this mean exactly? while checking it from where and how?? if you are not logged in how can you preview the form??
additionally, I notice that sometimes the preview and the "live version" doesn't always look the same why is that? and how are we suppose to customize it to our preference if the preview is different at times? especially with your "mobile preview" its so small doesn't represent live usage at least make that adjustable to get a real sense of how it would look. but I guess that helps with your form views limits to make user upgraded?
I am on the bronze plan
Mary JotForm SupportReplied on February 16, 2025 at 7:26 PM
Hi Angel,
If you click edit on your Jotform App, and edit the form, it will not be counted as a form view. Form views are only counted when the form is in live mode. If you are logged in to your Jotform account and checks the form in live mode, it will also not be counted against your form view. But, keep in mind that if the form is embedded on a webpage, every time the web page is loaded, that will count as a form view.
If you can share more details about the form not looking the same in live mode and in builder mode, we can check this for you. If you can take a screenshot of what’s happening, that'll help us to understand better what’s going on. Let me show you how to post a screenshot to our Support Forum:
1. On the Support Forum page, scroll down to the Your Answer section and click on the Image icon.
2. Drag and drop your image into the Upload box, or click on it and select your file.
3. Then, click on the Add button in the bottom-right corner of the window.
4. To resize it, click on your screenshot and then click on one of the boxes in the corners, and drag it inward.
5. Once you're finished, click on the Post Answer button at the bottom right of the Your Answer section.
InfoAngelReplied on February 16, 2025 at 8:51 PM
Israel JotForm SupportReplied on February 16, 2025 at 9:01 PM
Hi Angel,,
As for your other question, I've moved that to a new thread. You can check that out here.
Reach out again if you have any other questions.
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