Jay TeutschAsked on February 14, 2025 at 1:52 PM
We would like to be confident our API requests will result in us never missing a submission. If you have suggestions, please provide whatever you feel is helpful.
Below are some questions that would help us formulate a stable API request if you would please reply to these:
Are form submission id numbers unique to the form we've created or are they more generalized?
Do form submission id's always get numerically higher or could the get reset and be lower?
If we us the API request below will that guarantee we will never miss a submission or could a lower submission ID be posted to the table at a later time than currently posted submissions?
If the above API request is flawed would a request using a "Greater Than" date & time be more stable then using "Greater Than" submission ID?
Sonnyfer JotForm SupportReplied on February 14, 2025 at 9:22 PM
Hi Jay,
Thanks for reaching out to JotForm Support. Please see my answers to your questions below:
- Submission IDs are unique in general. This means there's no same submission ID that belongs to a different form.
- Submission ID generation does not specifically go higher or lower than the previous submission. I'm afraid, for security purposes, we cannot tell you how it's being generated.
- You can use the Greater Than as filter in Submission IDs, you can only use it on Date & Time.
Let us know if you need any more help.
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