madhippo8Asked on February 13, 2025 at 3:59 PM
In a nutshell I need my forms to do the following.
User fills out form and submits it.
Form should take that data and add some stuff to it (like a QR code and user number)
Send revised data back to user. Email would be fine but it would be even better if the data could somehow get posted back to the users page where they submitted the form.
Side note, the QR code should be able to call back the individuals reformatted data so it can be printed.
The use case here is the user will input a bunch of information about their car into the form, we will take that data and reformat it in a pretty way with some data removed and some data added that is suitable for printing a display. If the user needs to print out more forms, they should be able to scan the QR code on our computer and it will print out new copies for them.
Hope that made sense.
Jason JotForm SupportReplied on February 13, 2025 at 4:03 PM
Hi Matt,
As a workaround, you can use the Edit Link added to your Notification Email and revise the user's information.
But after you edit the user's form and submit it, you as a form owner will only receive a notification about the edited entry. The other workaround is to add a button to your form's tables to email your users about the revised entry so they can see it and let them revise by themselves if they want to. Let me show you how:
1. In the Jotform Tables page, click the Add tab at the top right side of the submissions.
2. In the Add a New Column window that pops up, go to the Buttons tab.
3. Select Request Update and click on Next at the bottom right.
4. Enter a Column Name and click on Next.
5. Under the Recipient Addresses, the form owner can enter the email address or click on Fields and select the Email.
6. The form owner can also add a message, and then click on Create Column. That's it.
Now, you can simply send an email with one click and ask the user to see the revision of their submission.
Here's the email that the user will receive once the edit link will be sent:
On the other hand, the QR you're looking for isn't possible through the workaround you're looking for. We have a couple of QR widgets, but it doesn't let you achieve your workaround.
Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.
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