writemelanieAsked on February 8, 2025 at 4:49 PM
I am trying to approve a form and it is saying that there is an error in workflow
When I click into the error message it says :
Google Calendar Workflow
Unable to complete the action.
Event duration is invalid.
I can see the requestor has entered a standard duration of 2 hrs (6p to 8p)
Not sure how to correct.
Mark Alan JotForm SupportReplied on February 9, 2025 at 5:47 PM
Hi Melanie,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, we cannot access your tables, so there's no way for us to check what's exactly going on with the submission's error. See the screenshot below:
Can you grant us an access to your account so we can check that out? Don't worry, you can disable that again after we're done checking things out. Let me show you how to do it:
1. In the upper-right corner of your My Forms page, click on your Avatar/Profile Image icon.
2. In the small window that opens, click on Settings.
3. In the panel on the left, click on the Security tab.
4. Then, on the bottom-right side of the page, toggle Jotform Support Access to the On position.
After we hear back from you, we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on and how to help.
writemelanieReplied on February 9, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Done! I'm not sure if its related but the time that posts in the calendar is sometimes not the time input on the form. One example is the request for 2/8 Youth Dept Quarterly Staff Mtg is for 11a, but shows on my Google Calendar as 12:34- 11:59.
Mahmoud JotForm SupportReplied on February 10, 2025 at 8:32 AM
Hi Melanie,
I checked your inbox and found that the issue is due to an invalid event duration. Upon reviewing the submission, I noticed that no answer was provided for the End Date of the event, preventing the integration from proceeding:
You can edit the submission and add the End Date of the event, then the workflow will restart automatically:
1. In Inbox, on the left side of the page, click on the submission that you want to edit.
2. Click on the Three Dots icon at the top-right side of the page.
3. In the dropdown list that opens, click on Edit.
4. Now, edit the submission and click on the Submit button like sending the submission.
writemelanieReplied on February 10, 2025 at 8:38 PM
Thank you. This worked. I adjusted the form to require an end date as well. Can you help me understand why the calendar entry (the end of the workflow integration) shows two different times in Google Calendar? This is a screenshot of the resulting calendar entry for the same request.
Ibrar JotForm SupportReplied on February 11, 2025 at 8:57 AM
Hi Melanie,
Can you send the full screenshot of the email? Specifically the recipient email and the sender email so that we can investigate it for you. This guide will show you how to share screenshot to us.
Once we have a better idea of what’s going on, we’ll be able to come up with a solution.
writemelanieReplied on February 11, 2025 at 10:20 AM
Here are screenshots of the full email. For further, you have access to my account. It is Submission 43 that I am referencing, though it happens for other entries as well. The previous message includes a screenshot of how this posts in Google Calendar with the discrepancy in event time.
Ibrar JotForm SupportReplied on February 11, 2025 at 10:35 AM
Hi Melanie,
I understand the issue, but I’ll need a bit of time to work out a solution. I’ll get back to you shortly.
We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we’re looking into this.
writemelanieReplied on February 11, 2025 at 11:12 AM
no, thank you! appreciate your help!
Ibrar JotForm SupportReplied on February 14, 2025 at 9:02 AM
Hi Melanie,
I've reviewed your integration configuration and I found you have mapped the Date field only as a start time, while time is required to create an event in the Google Calendar, so either Google or Jotform automatically choosing a time and creating an event. Additionally, the Event Duration should not a date field it should like 30 mint, 60 mints or something similar to that. Also, timezone is required to create an event, in case of Date Picker field the time zone is auto decided by Jotform or Google. So, I would recommend you to use an Appointment field instead of simple date picker field and then the integration will be work perfectly fine, and also the email will only show similar time.
Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.